Author Topic: CZ P-10F OR SR in IPSC  (Read 3346 times)

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Offline dabljues

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« on: October 19, 2023, 11:23:27 AM »

I can't find any info on the matter on IPSC website, so I thought I'd ask here. I'm considering buying either a CZ P-10C or P-10F. Either one of those, but optics ready and with a threaded barrel. Kind of a do it all gun, I'm also considering taking part in other shooting competitions which are more "tacticool", so I want a gun that'll fit in both (if I only wanted to run in IPSC, I'd get as Shadow 2 OR - which I'll probably do as well).

Now, from IPSC Production (and Production Optics) handgun list, I can see that both non-OR and OR version of the P-10 are legal. However, what about the OR SR versions (optics ready with a threaded barrel)? There's no mention of them. From what I can gather, the P-10C OR SR would be legal since it has a 122mm barrel (so under 127mm), right? And the P-10F OR SR wouldn't, because it has a 134mm barrel.

Did I get it right? Or am I missing something?

Offline rgunner1

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Re: CZ P-10F OR SR in IPSC
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2023, 06:01:09 PM »
You are correct with the F model threaded barrel it would push you into OPEN....
Stay Upright

Offline dabljues

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Re: CZ P-10F OR SR in IPSC
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2023, 12:55:20 AM »
Thanks, that's what I thought! Now I need to figure out if I should get P10F with the threaded barrel and not be able to use it in competition or P10C with threaded barrel and be able to do that. There's not much difference for me, but I've got big hands, so the P10C grips could be too small (I've got a P-07 and without the +2 base plates on the mags I cut my hand when inserting the mag)

Offline JPRO11

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Re: CZ P-10F OR SR in IPSC
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2024, 10:58:31 PM »
I shoot competition with my P10F at my local 2-gun club but we don't really have restrictions like what you're  mentioning. I prefer full size handguns personally and I don't think you could go wrong. Could try and pick up an untreated p10F barrel for cheap.