I picked up a lone wolf "alpha wolf" barrel a few months ago and that thing is awesome! I tried aluminum, brass and steel cased ammo with absolutely no problems.
I've heard horror stories of using lone wolf barrels. Some needing to be returned for a good reaming and whatnot. Apparently those standard barrels are made out of country
The new alpha wolf is made here and doesn't have any issues that the original does. No break in, nitride treatment, and only a few dollars more
I know liberty suppressors will be selling blacklist barrels through their website if they don't already. I think silencerco even makes their own barrels
KKM and Blacklist came up as #1 and #2 in
Victory Gun Blog's recent barrel tests, which is why they're getting top consideration. SilencerCo's barrels fell way short, and while the stock Glock barrels generally did pretty well, Primary & Secondary's test battery of those barrels showed that accuracy was generally inconsistent from barrel to barrel with OEM. Either way, I want that 1/2-28 RH threading in order to standardize all my 9mm barrels, so aftermarket it is.
Back to suppressors and SBRs, I did a bit of work earlier tonight charting out some of the best/most intriguing suppressors I've been considering. You can see my spreadsheet
here. What I found is that the Hybrid is
significantly heavier than most pistol cans (and some rifle cans like the Omega 30, for that matter). On top of that, it's fairly long and doesn't suppress 9mm that much better than less expensive pistol cans, which can often be user-serviced and are modular to allow for reduced length. Add in the fact that I don't shoot 5.56 that often (and it doesn't suppress well anyway), and I'm now reconsidering whether or not to even go with a Hybrid at all in favor of a dedicated pistol can now and something ASR-capable like an Omega (or the Hybrid) later.
Right now, the Rugged Obsidian 45 is becoming my new can candidate, with the Omega 9K close behind. Does anyone have any experience shooting one of these, ideally on a Scorpion? If I go with the Obsidian, a 3-lug will become my mount of choice, and I'm not sure if I need the fixed barrel adapter in addition to the 3-lug adapter or if I'll get by just fine with the 3-lug.