Take this as advice from someone with 40 years experience with revolvers and 20 years experience with single-action pistols (1911s) and until a month ago, no experience with owning a DA/SA pistol.
I had reached a point where I decided it would behoove me to own a double-stack 9mm. It's important to me (vain, I know) that the weapon actually look good, so no Glocks were under consideration. With my decades long experience with 1911s, I was sure the 75B Compact with a safety was the gun for me. Cocked and Locked carry was going to be my method so as to keep the same actions that I am used to with the 1911s, you understand.
Then I actually got my hands on one. Background: I have wide, stubby hands. Short fingers if you will. Small gloves fit correctly for length, but most do not allow me to even get them on due to width issues. So, the reach to the safety was just too far to be comfortable. I actually had to release my firing grip and reposition to reach the safety. This is NOT optimal.
So, next to the 75B Compact sat a P-01, which as you probably know, is a decock version. The decocker sits right at the pad of my thumb, a perfect placement for me. 1/2 hour later, I walked out the door with my first double-stack 9mm ever.
Long Story Short: have her try both to see which actually fits. My bet will be she ends up with a decocker version.