You are a Lucky man getting those Funds.
I may have my Wife call your Wife?
I'm not that familiar with the different CZ's.
Like was mentioned above 9mm is a less expensive than .45.
Take your time. The fun is in the hunt.
Good Luck
Wife calling wife would be fine. It's getting a little bit easier to swing her around to my side these days... it may be because I've stopped having BLD - black rifle disease and have changed my tastes a bit.
I mentioned earlier that the cost of ammo isn't a huge concern to me... it probably should be, but it's just not a necessary concern at this time, and I've fortunately (or unfortunately) have a dedicated portion of the garage to reloading, so for all practicality, I can roll my own (though this does necessitate the purchase of the .45 ACP conversion kit for my Dillon). You're right - the fun is in the hunt. I was just really surprised that this past weekend I was able to find both guns in stores local to me. One shop really doesn't carry CZs - it's a big box store type of place, but they generally carry Glocks, S&Ws, Kimbers, etc - more mainstream stuff, but over the past few months, I've been seeing more and more CZs in there, mostly of the P-07 variety, which is great, but to be honest, they don't do a whole lot for me. I was pretty happy seeing the CZ-75 SP-01 tactical in there. The floor manager actually got it out of the case for me to take a look at and he honestly had no idea that they even had it on the shelf. The other shop which has the CZ-97 had two of them in stock - the 97B I now have on hold to pick up this weekend and a 97BD. The guys there (much smaller store front) told me that the 97B had been sitting there for a while and no one really seemed interested in it. The second store is where I usually find my CZs in general, and in fact, had 3 or 4 CZ-75s of different flavors, the 2 CZ-97s and a P-07 as well. Thanks for all the input everyone!
TL;DR - I have called the second shop and have the 97B on hold. I will pick it up on Saturday (the shop is about an hour away and I just can't get out there during the week to go grab it) and will follow up with pictures to come.