I took length measurements from a sample and I also did the plunk test. Then loaded a few dumby rounds to validate my Max OAL from the plunk test. Here's the numbers for length, Max OAL, and two working OAL's (just for the heck of it).
125gr H&S
Avg Bullet Lngth 0.5824
Standard Dev 0.0007
Max OAL 1.085
Adjusted OAL (Max - 0.015) 1.07
Adjusted OAL (Max - 0.010) 1.075
Using First Working OAL
Case Length 0.75
Bullet Length 0.582
OAL 1.07
Seating Depth 0.262
Using Second Working OAL
Case Length 0.75
Bullet Length 0.582
OAL 1.075
Seating Depth 0.257
SIDE NOTE: Having to translate tables into HTML coded tables is annoying, anyone know of a tool that does it automatically?
Deeper, equivalent, or not as deep as this little episode you helped me through? Just for reference.
Your OAL's correspond to what I use on my reloads and they work flawlessly in my SP01 Shadow, Phantom, Scorpion and PPQs.
[Mods removed the quote for clarity]