Over the winter I purchased a CZC +20 extension. Due to not being able to get to the range that much this winter I have not been able to test it out much. Have people been having good luck with these? A few fellow shooters have said theirs have not been real reliable.
What about using them on the 20 round magazines? I have also seen people are using them on the 20 rounders with the stock spring.
At first mine were terrible on 30rd mags, but were perfect on 20rd mags. Sent them to CZCustoms for repair and were the same when I got them back. Ran factory ammo through them and then they were perfect so I had to change my OAL on my reloads to 1.15 and they're good now which didn't make sense cuz I could run shorter length on the 20rd but not the 30rd.
So if you have issues check your ammo and if not then send them back to get fixed
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