Brand name bullet loads can be used for other bullets of the same composition, nose shape and weight. Lighter bullets can use the heavier bullet load data. If you can find that datas bullet "length", the seating depth can be solved. Other bullets of the same composition and weight at that seating depth will be good with that data.
Allow me re-work that paragraph so it makes sense....
Three main pieces of knowledge for the reloader:
? You can directly use many of the published loads for your own purposes as long as the bullet is of the same construction, shape and weight. E.g. a published load for 115gr Winchester jacketed RN could be used to load 115gr Precision Delta jacketed RN (aka FMJ). A published load for 124gr lead conical nose could be used to load 124gr coated lead SWC.
? If you can find the bullet's length by measurement or consulting our bullet list, then the amount of bullet insertion into the case can be calculated. This insertion is sometimes referred to as "seating depth". (Our bullet list is found
? Other bullets of the same composition and weight will be good with that data at that seating depth.
? Data with only one stated load is always
Max Load. Starting Load is derived by subtracting 10%. We always begin at the
Starting Load and work up in small increments. Dividing the entire load range by 5 is a good way to calculate useful increments.
? We always begin at the Starting Load and work up because there are simply too many variables between different guns that can change the performance and characteristics of a given load. My carefully crafted load will not behave the same in your gun.
? If you cannot find load data for your bullet type/weight, then you can always use similar load data for the next heavier bullet.
? The recipe in the Load Manual is ONLY a
lab report saying '
this is what we did and no one died'. It is NOT an exact formula. They are NOT suggesting you use their exact OAL. It is incumbent upon the reloader to interpret the information and derive a safe load for himself/herself.
When there is no published data, owning a chrono is almost mandatory.Hope this helps.
[Added last rule]