Author Topic: Warning against trigger jobs for defensive pistols  (Read 3707 times)

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Warning against trigger jobs for defensive pistols
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2007, 08:24:39 AM »
Very nice, both in spirit and design. Be proud of them, and carry them.8)

Offline Grendel

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Warning against trigger jobs for defensive pistols
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 09:00:12 PM »
Unless and until someone provides actual cases where an otherwise legal and justified shoot went south in court because of reloads, trigger jobs, fancy grips or anything else, I call BS on this idea. I've heard any number of 'I know a guy who's brother got in the $h!t because he shot someone with his gun and it had blah blah blah done to it' anecdotes. All horse$h!t. An opposing attorney might try to use them as (ahem) ammunition for his case, but your lawyer and the Judge should swiftly deep 6 that ploy. There are no deadly force statutes written that include words such as: 'deadly force is justified unless reloads are used' or 'unless the weapon has been substantially altered'.

A righteous shoot or deadly force incident is justified no matter what you use be it hammer, shotgun, coal shovel, anti-aircraft cannon, AK47 or whatever else, provided, I repeat, provided you are acting within the law as it is written in your State. Commonly this is (with exceptions in States with 'castle' doctrines) that you must be in fear for your or another's life or of great bodily harm.

Civil or Federal court is a different kettle of fish, as OJ found out, but a good lawyer is your friend in all these cases.
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Warning against trigger jobs for defensive pistols
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2007, 05:37:31 AM »
The issue isn't that accusations can be made.  Any legal proceeding against you is one thing, and one thing only:  war.  The goal is to win.  Thus, anyone should expect the other side to do anything and everything to smear you, disqualify what you have to say or what you've done and, ultimately, to "kill" you in this war.  No surprises, there.  

A trigger job, per se, isn't a bad thing.  If expressly done to improve safety and enhance reliability, and documented as such, it cannot help but be perceived (at least in the hands of a competent attorney) as a good thing.  The gritty, creepy factory trigger on my P01 was cleaned up by Matt Mink.  I specifically requested the character of trigger pull I wanted, which was not materially different from factory, other than being smoothed and cleaned up, and set to a weight of pull more suitable for a defensive carry firearm.  At 7.5# DA and just over 4# SA, but buttery smooth, it's more accurate, reliable and safe than CZ ever thought to make it.  

Can a scumbag lawyer attempt to lever this into something it's not?  Sure.  If ever it comes to legal proceedings against me, I'd expect nothing less.  But, in the end, claims are only that.  This P01 is now more reliable, more safe, easier to use competently, less likely to have issues when my life is being threatened.  To claim removal of factory manufacturing defects (burrs and marks) and elimination of what was a hair-trigger SA action is the specific cause of anything has no basis in fact.

In this specific case, I'd be willing to bet the person in question didn't have competent legal representation.  That's too bad.  Doesn't make it a trend.  Doesn't make it likely to happen anywhere else.  It is what it is.