My .357 revolver was just stolen and I am now considering replacing it with a CZ 75 compact. I can't get some of the links on your site to work for me and I have a few questions.
1. How durable is that black polycoat compared to the finish used on GLOCKS? I've heard that it may chip.
2. Is this pistol available in single action only or do they all have those decockers? I used to carry a Colt .45 ACP and I'm already used to the "cocked and locked" mode of carry.
3. If I opted for the .40 S&W, could I buy a barrel and magazine to convert it to 9mm and thereby have two handguns for the price of 1.25 handguns?
4. Is there any chance that CZ will be developing a CZ 75 compact in .357 SIG? If so, I would prefer it to the 9mm or the .40.
5. I'm trying to figure out a way to use a Bar-Sto .357 SIG barrel in my CZ 75 compact and not beat the pistol to death with the recoil. must be possible or they wouldn't be selling these barrels. How do you suppose this is done?
I wrote a couple of companies offering spring-loaded stainless steel recoil buffers/reducers ( )they told me they would work in a standard-sized CZ 75 but not in a compact because the recoil spring channel is significantly smaller inner and outer diameter. However your website states that the only difference is that the CZ 75 Compact has a 10mm shorter grip and a 20 mm shorter slide. Who is correct here?
Please tell me I won't have to settle for a GLOCK G32 to do this.
As you were,
Capt. Jas