I started a kadet pistol / kadet adaptor page last week:
www.angelfire.com/amiga/hakan/kadet.html (I'm looking for pics to put on it. Please post your pics in
the CZF Pics section if you have them.)
Went to Natchez and found this price increase ( in effect
September 1rst) announcement from the major ammo companies.
www.natchezss.com/customerService.cfm?contentID=manuIncrease&src=BA481This might be old news to some of you, but the rising
of price ammo will will be a factor in my shooting activities.
A Kadet Pistol or Adapter Kit makes alot of sense nowdays. Carry a full size or compact CZ and be able to shoot
.22 rimfire.

The suppressed Kadet pistols look cool , but are verboten in my state. I'd be happy to own a standard polycoat model
but a stainless steel kadet adapter would look really nice
on my 75 SS
Don't overlook the CZUB Kadet products. Something that will pay for itself in a year or so. Also allowing you to shoot more cheaply and more often.