I am, I think, the exception to many "rules" of carrying a sidearm.
Number one - I am always armed, except at work, and that's because the Dept. "frowns" on firearms inside the wire.
If I am off duty, I am armed, period, and don't patronize places that do not allow me to be armed. I also buck the trend towards mouse guns. Right now it's my Cajunized SP-01 Phantom, or my Cajunized P-09. I also insist on carrying two spare mags, opposite side. Balances things out nicely.
Overdone? Could be, but I'd rather have a whole lot of leftover spare ammo than be found dead with an empty pistol. Dramatic, but many times nowadays it seems the trends are multiple attackers involved in nefarious activities. Having seen the face of Evil, like several here, I know Evil seldom makes an appointment, ( unless it's the IRS, and we still are not allowed to shoot them), so I don't subscribe to that carry Tuesday and Thursday, maybe Monday, but never on Sunday.
My sidearms do cost money, good coin, and it would be very hard for me to pay to replace them plus get the work done on them all over again, but if it works for me that night to help save my life/the lives of others, the investment was perfect. While whichever is languishing in the Evidence Room, I'll carry what I have left, or acquire later, because that one already paid for itself, many times over.
After a shooting I will be far more worried about the cost of the attorneys as there is almost always a court battle, though I do have to throw out a smug, "Arizona no longer allows civil suits for justified acts". Even have that in our state Constitution now.