I don't know. When my son, now 40 years old, was little, I started him out by making a couple of rubber band guns, on that looks like a sxs shotgun, the other a plain pistol, then a bb/pellet rifle, then a 22. He was always ready to shoot with me, but never expressed a desire on his own. Somehow he picked up an intense interest in football/baseball, not from me though and we let him play little league baseball a few years when he wanted to, no football though due to a defective kidney.
Now that he has a son, now 5, he has been pushing him into team sports, baseball, soccer, he plays football with him. I think I have lost two generations as far as shooting goes, it still remains to be seen how the grandson may view it. They live in a larger city about 6 hours away so I cannot be around to encourage shooting, and don't know of any ranges near where they live. If he does not show any interest I guess in a few years I will start selling off my not too modest collection.