Author Topic: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?  (Read 4805 times)

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Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2017, 05:16:54 AM »
If a nearby range rents, it's always good to try before you buy. Usually only current models though. They might have a Bersa CC to try. Those used S&W's look interesting, but doubtful you'd ever find a rental to try.
My preferred carry is a Sig 290rs. Small enough to pocket holster or sidearm. Sig quality for a little over $400 NEW! 9mm, 6+1 & 8+1 mags, tritium night sights. However, it's DAO and some folks don't like shooting DA, but I'm used to it and prefer that margin of safety for EDC. For summer fits nicely in a Desantis Superfly top pocket of cargo shorts. I rented a lot to try before I settled on the Sig. My Nightstand guns are P-01 and SP-01
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Offline Psyop96

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2017, 10:43:50 AM »
Double action with a decocker.  I would look at the S&W third gens like a 3913 or 3914.  Grip angle is slightly different, but many don't notice it, might want to point slightly low.  IMO they are one of the most under rate pistols made.
They also come in quite a few flavors. Traditional DA/SA, DAO, large and small frames, single and double stack; steel and alloy frame, stainless look and black, plus some railed models. If you look at the 3900 series, take a look at the 6900 series too as it's not much of a larger grip. Parts and mags are still generally available, for now. One of my favs from the Houlton factory, a 3914 DAO.

Offline Redbike

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2017, 08:07:35 PM »
Thanks for the ideas.

The SW CS9s are expensive on Gun Broker.

Maybe the Bersa 380 combat - better sights than the CC, I think.

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2017, 09:53:18 PM »
Maybe the Bersa 380 combat - better sights than the CC, I think.
Gotta remember, the CC is definitely intended for close engagements but, you'd be surprised at how decent of a sight picture you will get with it's 3-dot notch!

The 380 Combat is going to be the same size as the standard Thunder 380.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2017, 12:01:05 AM »
Redbike, If you're concerned about costs, you may also want to consider that 380ACP is more expensive than 9mm. Depending upon how many rounds you shoot; $40-$50/case difference can add up over time.  Especially if you already shoot 9mm in other guns allowing you to buy in bulk.  Just say'in.
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Offline mig1nc

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2017, 03:34:23 PM »
Double action with a decocker.  I would look at the S&W third gens like a 3913 or 3914.  Grip angle is slightly different, but many don't notice it, might want to point slightly low.  IMO they are one of the most under rate pistols made.
They also come in quite a few flavors. Traditional DA/SA, DAO, large and small frames, single and double stack; steel and alloy frame, stainless look and black, plus some railed models. If you look at the 3900 series, take a look at the 6900 series too as it's not much of a larger grip. Parts and mags are still generally available, for now. One of my favs from the Houlton factory, a 3914 DAO.
Wouldn't a DAO 3914 be a 3954?

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Offline The Conservative

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2017, 04:36:20 PM »
Strange?  Remember seeing them fairly economically priced seemingly not long ago.  Some of the gun show dealers had several of them thrown in a large box and cheap, sort of reminiscent of the surplus days in the 80s.  Bought my sister a low mileage 3914 about 2 years ago for 250.  Maybe a surplus source dried up.  That is unfortunate and part of the reason for the recommendation.
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Offline Psyop96

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2017, 05:43:57 PM »
Good observation, mig1nc about a 3954. I should have mentioned that these 3914 DAOs were supposedly for NYPD use. They have manufacture dates as recently as until about 3-4 years ago. Unlike the standard 3953/3954 and larger frame equivalent DAOs, these have a second strike capability. Accordingly, the trigger action feels slightly different from standard S&W 3rd gen DAOs with their "pre-set" hammers and no second strike. Thanks for bringing that up.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2017, 08:24:38 PM »
These 3rd generation S&W's seem quite interesting, and I suspect one might find a great deal by scouring LGS's and classifieds. I was at my LGS today and they had a very nice 4013 for $349 with three mags and some extra parts. Felt really nice in the hand, with the aggressive knurling on the front strap. Dare I say Kimber-ish? Yeah, it was double-stack, and if it wasn't 40 S&W, I might have picked it up. 9mm would be my preference, or 45ACP. But radar antenna are on the alert for a deal. If I find a nice one for <$350 I may not be able to resist.  ;)

Thanks guys for reminding me that S&W made some fine all-metal DA/SA - decocker semis!
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Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2017, 08:54:49 PM »
P.S.  If anyone's not familiar (like me) with all the S&W DA/SA models (and some DAO) made from the 80's through early this century, here's a chart published by Lucky Gunner that goes through all the model #s and generations:
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Offline Redbike

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2017, 09:17:15 PM »
Vinny - thanks for the link. Just what I needed.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2017, 09:44:47 PM »
You're welcome Redbike; Lucky Gunner Lounge has lots of good info.
Good luck in your quest.
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Offline mig1nc

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2017, 07:45:37 AM »
Springfield Armory just dropped a brand new single stack DA/SA compact with combo safety/decocker.

Interestingly, it weighs exactly the same and has the same mag capacity as a late model 3913...

Looks like they are trying to fill the void left by the end of S&W 3rd gen production.

Offline ernie_h

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2017, 10:06:42 AM »
Springfield Armory just dropped a brand new single stack DA/SA compact with combo safety/decocker.

Interestingly, it weighs exactly the same and has the same mag capacity as a late model 3913...

Looks like they are trying to fill the void left by the end of S&W 3rd gen production.

Thanks for the heads up?.will have to check that one out  The grip zone thing, though, is getting kind of old.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Want a P 01, but different. Ideas?
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2017, 10:21:40 AM »
Looks like the bore axis is kinda high with more muzzle flip. I give SA credit though for trying to address this huge and growing void in the market fora safer EDC and BUG. Sure wish CZ's brilliant engineers would put their heads to this. Does the market really need another striker-fired compact? (P-10).  For me, I'd rather see a 'CZ P-05' sub-compact single-stack hammer-fired DA-SA Decocker. Then I could own 5 CZ's  ::)

CZ should look at the Sig 290rs or KAHR PM-9/CM-9. At 16-21 oz IMHO is almost perfect, except better if DA/SA instead of DAO.
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