Author Topic: Must have CGW upgrades?  (Read 4734 times)

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Offline Dynowhite

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Must have CGW upgrades?
« on: April 21, 2017, 09:35:48 AM »
I'm new to the world of CZ postols bir have already read alot about Cajunizing.

Are there any upgrades that are must have right now don't wait?

Offline SoCal

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2017, 10:04:27 AM »
What are you shooting and what firearm are you shooting?
If I had known how much better being retired is than working I would have done it FIRST.

Offline oldfrank

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2017, 10:42:35 AM »
Not really.
I see a lot of new gun owners that are ordering upgrades before the gun even arrives.

Shoot it just like it is for a while. Think about what your intended use for the firearm are. CCW, Bedside protection, range and target shooting or competition.

Then decide what is not working for you and what changes would actually benefit you as a shooter and not just the upgrades everyone else likes.
Do you like the sights? Is the trigger pull absolutely too stiff, too long, too gritty or anything else?

Most CZ firearms are great out of the box and in many cases unless you are a top competitor trying to gain a slight edge the the gun in fine as is.

Now if you just have too much extra money.......

Offline cdhbrad

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2017, 11:43:05 AM »
I am a big believer in "Call a Professional" when it comes to working on all my guns, so I had CGW put the full "Pro Package" in my three CZs.  Yhey also converted the 97B and 75B to SAO while they were working on the actions.  The 97B got the "E" treatment.  All three had extensive sight work done too with the LPA/TRT being milled into the slides of my 97 and 75 and my PCR having the slide milled for a Novak cut rear sight.  Frames for the 97 and 75 were stippled and refinished in Hard Chrome.  Basically, anything you can think of you might need done to your CZ, CGW can do for you.   

Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2017, 12:19:24 PM »
I am a big believer in "Call a Professional" when it comes to working on all my guns, so I had CGW put the full "Pro Package" in my three CZs.  Yhey also converted the 97B and 75B to SAO while they were working on the actions.  The 97B got the "E" treatment.  All three had extensive sight work done too with the LPA/TRT being milled into the slides of my 97 and 75 and my PCR having the slide milled for a Novak cut rear sight.  Frames for the 97 and 75 were stippled and refinished in Hard Chrome.  Basically, anything you can think of you might need done to your CZ, CGW can do for you.   

Just my opinion... Every CZ deserves the CGW Race Hammer or CZC Competition hammer (I order the CZC Hammer through CGW when I order my parts).

From there I always get
1- the CGW hardened firing pin Retaining pin. (let's you dry fire safely w out snap caps, but I still use one to extend parts' lives).
2 lighter hammer spring (15 lbs if you do not get the extended firing pin.)
3- Reduced power firing pin spring

Maybe this will help give you an idea of what different parts accomplish...
"In God I trust. All others must supply data."

Offline Dynowhite

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2017, 05:28:32 PM »
Good point, I forgot you guys don't know what I have!  :o

P07 9mm, no silencer. Will be for carry, practice and competition, I have a specific setup for home defense already. I will shoot cheap ammo through it training which I should've outlined in the OP. My main concern is extraction, springs or hammer for shooting cheap ammo, trigger enhancements and smoothing the recoil impulse for carry.

Funny you should mention that, I actually haven't taken possession of the pistol yet. I actually bought this gun sight unseen after shooting a friends 1st gen P07, reading this forum and watching some videos from gun reviewers I respect. But it's not my first pistol. I hope to put 1k rounds through it next weekend to "break it in".

I enjoy doing most of my own mods to learn about the gun as long as it's drop in or minimal fitting.

Thanks for all the input so far.

Offline willperry804

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2017, 08:10:07 PM »
I recently acquired an sp01 tactical and before i got it i was thinking about upgrades.  Then i shot it. Wow. Other that a longer than desired (but not much) trigger length, that thing is a shooter. What a dream!  I say of you dont HAVE to spend the money, then dont.

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Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2017, 12:24:52 AM »
13# hammer spring, CGW/CZC Race Hammer, CGW disco + SRS, 11# recoil spring


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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2017, 06:06:51 AM »
Good point, I forgot you guys don't know what I have!  :o

P07 9mm, no silencer. Will be for carry, practice and competition, I have a specific setup for home defense already. I will shoot cheap ammo through it training which I should've outlined in the OP. My main concern is extraction, springs or hammer for shooting cheap ammo, trigger enhancements and smoothing the recoil impulse for carry.

Funny you should mention that, I actually haven't taken possession of the pistol yet. I actually bought this gun sight unseen after shooting a friends 1st gen P07, reading this forum and watching some videos from gun reviewers I respect. But it's not my first pistol. I hope to put 1k rounds through it next weekend to "break it in".

I enjoy doing most of my own mods to learn about the gun as long as it's drop in or minimal fitting.

Thanks for all the input so far.

I always mod my guns to my personal liking. That said I always shoot a new gun through a reasonable break in period to be sure there are no underlying issues then I decide what I like and what I want to change.
Working on these guns is really pretty simple but you did mention drop in and minimal fitting so keep in mind those terms are really over used. Guns like many things are manufactured within high and low tolerances so the part that drops into my gun and functions perfectly may need to be fit to your gun. CGW has many great upgrades for CZ's and they are very helpful with tech support should you run into a snag when installing their parts.

Offline Joe L

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2017, 01:51:26 PM »
Shoot it a bunch right out of the box.  It will be tight, so it may not feed perfectly at first with weak bulk or low power factor ammo.  It should be fine after 100 rounds and some oil. 

There is some variation in how good the stock triggers feel out of the box.  I had two that were OK and one that was not good out of the box.  I put CGW hammers in all three, and I think a 15# hammer spring.  I carry it decocked so first shot is double action, thus the 15# hammer spring.   

The CGW hammer alone makes a world of difference on the single action pull.  Mine was just too gritty from the factory and I didn't want to try to wear it in.  I also put some night sights on it. 

I've had a red dot on it for one bullseye match, and I had high score that day in the centerfire match.  The other locals don't practice much, however.   

You are going to like the P-07 a bunch.  Here is a link to some videos you might want to use when changing out your hammer.  Gun is simple, once you see how everything fits together once.

Enjoy your new firearm. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline armoredman

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2017, 11:27:15 PM »
Enjoy it first as is, and see if there is anything you want fine tuned. As it has been said, 99% of the time CZ pistols are eCZellent right out of the box - Cajun Gun Works takes them that extra step to incredible.  8) I would go for the whole Pro Package if you can; it made that last step for my P-09 and Phantom to outstanding. :)

Offline CZATC

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Re: Must have CGW upgrades?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2017, 12:42:52 PM »
My brother has a first gen p07 that was his first handgun. Shot the proverbial snot out of it and smoothed out nicely on its own. I remember shooting it once thinking man this SA is light for a stock gun. He has since acquired a pro package equiped SR P09. Like most have said shoot it first. After 1000 you will know what you need.

He swapped sights for a thinner post up front with tritium dot but plain serrated rear. Didn't bother trigger since it is the new profile other than over travel stop. Etc. Since you said it will be a carry gun I will say on his 07 the DA smoothed out but didn't lighten up much. Spring pack and firing pin kit probably all you may desire unless you think the reset is horrendous. Reset is longer than pro package gun but his finger length is fine with it yours could be long based on you. I have shot firearms that the reset is too short in my opinion, felt like I was trying to fight extending my finger while touching my wrist lol.

So, once you are aquainted with your firearms nuances, give em a shout to personalize!

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CZ 75 SP01-bone stock....CGW bushing and 85 trigger in parts box waiting
TriStar C100 Tungsten Cerakote-CGW kit upon reintroduction :)