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Author Topic: Safety vs Decocker for carry?  (Read 18073 times)

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2017, 07:35:43 PM »
Remembered this thread from last winter on the forum......it wasn't a poll but had some good point to consider both ways  ;)



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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2017, 09:36:37 PM »
I own both the 75D PCR and 75B Compact one and I carry both in the hammer down position ready to fire the first shot in DA. I have no issue with either one and no real preference as far as the decocker or safety is concerned although I do carry the PCR the vast majority of the time simply because I've found it too be the best overall gun for me in respect to weight, magazine capacity,accuracy and overall comfort when carrying. The Compact is a fine gun as well just slightly heavier yet more trim due to the steel frame VS aluminum for the PCR.

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2017, 09:43:45 PM »
Decocker for me as my thumbs are too short to get much leverage on the safety versions.

Offline TexanFX2

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2017, 09:46:12 PM »
For the sake of the conversation and to educate others that may have the same question (and me). Is there any advantage/disadvantage in carrying with the hammer down vs cocked & locked? What is the recommended way to carry a safety?
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Offline cntrydawwwg

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Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2017, 10:38:55 PM »
Texan, my opinion is whichever you're comfortable with. I myself prefer DA first shot and happen to own Decockers. I have Zero issue with manually lowering a hammer, so there's no issue with safeties.
    Some people hate the idea of manually lowering the hammer, but prefer DA first shot. So for those people, the decocker is perfect.
    Some carry cocked n locked so obviously the safety wins.
   Having the safety model does offer choices, da first shot, (hammer down) or flick off safety for SA first shot. (Hammer cocked) But, it does involve manually lowering the hammer to achieve DA first shot. It's really not that hard, just needs practiced to avoid accidents.
   Neither one is better or preferred IMHO, just personal choice. Whichever way they choose, practice, practice, practice. Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 12:11:56 AM by cntrydawwwg »
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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2017, 10:50:28 PM »
I got tired of having multiple guns, each from a different manufacturer, each with its own manual of arms. The first CZ I could find once I went CZ shopping was a 75B SA. I really lucked out finding it first because I've come to love the CZ upswept beaver tail, the shape of the trigger, and the oversized safety. I ride my strong (right) thumb on top of the safety so it isn't any problem at all to "remember" to switch the safety off.

Since then I've been streamlining. I've unloaded three of my non-CZ pistols recently. I now have three more CZs and I've converted them all to have the same 5SAO trigger, race hammer, firing pin, and springs. I want them all the same. Only my Rami doesn't have an upswept beaver tail. If I had gotten a decocker first maybe I would have gone to all decockers. But then my SP-01 Compact would've been an odd duck with a safety.
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Offline TexanFX2

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2017, 11:37:21 PM »
Thanks for all the experiences and opinions. Please bear my ignorance on the subject. As mentioned previously, I owned striker fired before getting a PP26 (decocker). I then got into CZs, so far all of them safety. I want to start carrying my CZ75B Compact and the few people I know have recommended to get a decocker instead, but either none have provided a satisfactory answer to my question or I have been too dumb to understand what they explained.

Judging strictly from my P226, I don't like the decocker lever, hence my interest in understanding how should I "safely" carry a safety. I feel comfortable enough to lower the hammer myself. In this scenario, as I understand based on the previous posts, there is no safety and it will be DA first pull. In full cocked scenario, it will be SA first pull and safety can be either on or off, but on is recommended as SA pull can be too light.
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Offline cntrydawwwg

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Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2017, 12:04:23 AM »
In full cocked scenario, it will be SA first pull and safety can be either on or off, but on is recommended as SA pull can be too light.
    NO, NO, NO!!! Sorry, don't mean to yell. But under NO circumstance should you ever carry hammer cocked and no safety.
    The safety only comes off when it's time to shoot, after pistol is drawn from holster.
    TexanFX2, I mean absolutely no offense, but I would highly recommend some firearm refresher classes. I understand you're new to this platform, so a refresher is nothing to be ashamed of. This forum is a great place to get info, and we are very safety minded. But it can only teach so much, whereas a hands on instructor may be beneficial to you.
    Sorry, I like to joke around on here, but when I read things that scream safety warning my serious side comes out. JMHO
« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 12:07:34 AM by cntrydawwwg »
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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2017, 12:15:13 AM »
Dawwwg is right there, not generally accepted to carry with a hair trigger and disengaged safety. But otherwise it sounds like you are getting a good handle on it.  The safety models are typically known for having slightly better triggers as well. Good practice is the key to safety, and the best part is you don't need to shoot to practice. When you practice your draw and presentation make sure you are not accidentally actuating the safety. I've never been able to flip my safety on accident, but everyone's grip is different. And don't forget to enjoy! =D

Offline TexanFX2

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2017, 12:26:27 AM »
No offense taken Dawwwg. Refresher is completely acceptable, although I always keep the safety on and actuate the switch as I draw. Shouldn't be an issue. Just wanted to present scenarios to get proper answers.

Don't get me wrong, I am not totally clueless about the topic, just presenting the question(s) as a total newbie would to obtain corresponding feedback.  ;D
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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2017, 12:47:56 AM »
Opinions and preferences:

No option for "DA" was offered.  Both types offered can be DA/SA pistols. The decocker usually has a shorter DA pull to drop .
I have a decocker Sig and DA/SA with safety CZs.  I use both types as draw and shoot "DA" pistols whether for self defense or gun games.  I don't use the safety.  I manually lower the hammer.

Single action only pistols need a safety.  With a SA pistol and safety on;   there are two actions needed to fire from the draw,  press the safety off and pull the trigger.  Easy or not,  they require two actions to fire the holstered pistol on safe.

The DA pistols need one action to fire from the draw,  press the trigger.

Striker pistols can be ambiguous about being DA or SA.  Years back,  I believe there was some litigation involved with contract compliance for one of the prominent striker manufacturers calling their action DA vs other manufacturers saying it was SA. or some such argument. ::) :) Neither used a safety.

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2017, 04:50:47 AM »
I know, it's been mentioned in other threads; but folks new to CZ's might not be aware how to safely put a CZ with manual safety into DA/SA mode which requires manually lowering the hammer over a live load. I don't believe there's anything in the manual that covers this in detail.

I prefer the 'thumb' method which places the weak hand thumb between the cocked hammer and firing pin, preventing the hammer from dropping. With the gun pointed in a safe direction and safety now off, I pull, then release, the trigger allowing the hammer to move forward ever so slightly against my thumb. This engages the 1/2 cock stop. Now, with my finger off the trigger I gently 'roll' my thumb to allow the hammer to move forward softly against the 1/2 cock stop. Obviously, it takes a lot of dry practice before feeling confident enough doing this over a live load. Only then, I practiced this at the range with gun pointed downrange until I could (almost) do it with my eyes closed.

There are other methods of doing this, but I prefer having my thumb between the hammer and firing pin when I pull the trigger. Once the hammer moves forward even a fraction of an inch against my thumb and my finger released away from the trigger, the firing pin block is automatically engaged.

My first CZ was a manual safety SP-01. (I've since traded it toward an SP-01 Tactical decocker).  Loved shooting the gun in SA mode, but once I discovered how to engage the DA mode safely, and practiced with the DA 1st shot; I feel I'm now getting the real benefit my CZ has as a defensive gun with the DA/SA 1st round double action, no safety manipulation required. That's just my choice, and I respect other's. Just thought it important to cover a safe method of manual decocking in this thread.

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Offline briang2ad

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2017, 07:24:47 AM »
I know, it's been mentioned in other threads; but folks new to CZ's might not be aware how to safely put a CZ with manual safety into DA/SA mode which requires manually lowering the hammer over a live load. I don't believe there's anything in the manual that covers this in detail.

I prefer the 'thumb' method which places the weak hand thumb between the cocked hammer and firing pin, preventing the hammer from dropping. With the gun pointed in a safe direction and safety now off, I pull, then release, the trigger allowing the hammer to move forward ever so slightly against my thumb. This engages the 1/2 cock stop. Now, with my finger off the trigger I gently 'roll' my thumb to allow the hammer to move forward softly against the 1/2 cock stop. Obviously, it takes a lot of dry practice before feeling confident enough doing this over a live load. Only then, I practiced this at the range with gun pointed downrange until I could (almost) do it with my eyes closed.

There are other methods of doing this, but I prefer having my thumb between the hammer and firing pin when I pull the trigger. Once the hammer moves forward even a fraction of an inch against my thumb and my finger released away from the trigger, the firing pin block is automatically engaged.

My first CZ was a manual safety SP-01. (I've since traded it toward an SP-01 Tactical decocker).  Loved shooting the gun in SA mode, but once I discovered how to engage the DA mode safely, and practiced with the DA 1st shot; I feel I'm now getting the real benefit my CZ has as a defensive gun with the DA/SA 1st round double action, no safety manipulation required. That's just my choice, and I respect other's. Just thought it important to cover a safe method of manual decocking in this thread.

Well done!  People need to read this and watch a video or two and practice.  It is an EASY to learn and SAFE way to decock.  Unlike the dummies who do videos, it gives you a two in one gun AND a SHORT DA stroke.  Just watched another video of an experienced video producer FULLY decocking - dumb.  Remember, if you simply BLOCK with the support hand thumb, and release the trigger once you release the hammer, it CANNOT fire because the FPB is now engaged, and you have the half cock notch there anyway.  (Not all true with PreB). 

Offline TexanFX2

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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2017, 09:04:50 AM »
After re-reading this entire thread, and reading other related threads in the forum, I realized many (if not the majority) of the responses focuses on either cocked and locked (safety) and decocker. Very few acknowledges the hammer down (half cocked) without safety as an acceptable option (Assuming no PreB firearms without a firing pin block).

I feel confident enough to manually lower the hammer and carry without safety.  :)
Thanks for all of the interesting points of view and opinions.
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Re: Safety vs Decocker for carry?
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2017, 09:41:27 AM »
I've been carrying CZs for a few years.  I have a nice little family of them.  All have the Cajun Pro Package and I only use 11.5# springs.  I have both safety and decocker models.  I have 6-8 that get carried on a semi-regular basis.  I carry them all on half cock.  I don't use either of the installed devices.  With the CGW race hammer and the light springs it is very easy to safely lower the hammer manually. 
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