I had not been to the range for nearly two weeks with weather/work/holidays/company. So today I slipped out of the office for a one hour range visit with the P-10C and P-07, 40 rounds each, 4 timed fire targets with each gun (10 rounds standing single hand 25 yards).
Now I have a lot of trigger time with the P-07 and it has a smooth as silk CGW hammer single action trigger pull, and a nice fat front sight, non-adjustable.
The P-10C has a 4# glock firing pin spring and some Sugru and an LPA adjustable rear sight. It has a 4.5 lb trigger pull, compared to the 3.5 lb (I think) P-07 pull.
I was able to shoot the P-07 better, sooner, than the P-10C. The pistols are different, very different. It is apparent if you shoot them side by side. The striker still seems strange to me because I simply haven't shot it enough. The P-07 is just right. Just like the P-09, I can pick it up and shoot it well immediately. Not bullseye match well, but I don't struggle with it.
This video will finish uploading by 7:00pm CDT, I hope.
https://youtu.be/qZvhB0zv7BQI shot both guns OK, but I felt like I worked harder at shooting the P-10C. The P-07 was effortless. Doesn't mean I didn't jerk the trigger a little with each. I still need to practice more with each pistol.
There are no bad range days with either pistol, in my opinion. I think I am going to do some polishing on the P-10C internals next. Dang, that P-07 trigger is sweet.