Range Report: I had two things going on at the range last night. I haven't shot since Oct due to an injured shoulder that required surgery. So I was rusty, on top of having a new gun to try. I started cold with the new P238. Ran a total of about 100 rounds through it. It is a little snappy (it is a .380, after all), but not nearly as bad as the LCP. For each mag the first few shots were a little wild and then I was dialed in at 5 yards by the last couple. But the next mag and the next and the next were the same way. I couldn't stay in a close pattern through the mag changes. I am assuming more practice will solve that. I like the size, the feel in my hand, it's my first manual safety and that seemed to be manageable. All in all, a pretty good first experience with the Sig, and I already like it much better than the Ruger LCP Custom (which I detest). But my Rami! It took a mag or two to get back in the groove and I ran about 175 rounds through it. 3" patterns at 7 yards, consistently. I could shoot that gun all day long! After one trip to the range, my Rami is still my first true love. The Rami is exactly perfect for me. I'm still expecting to love the Sig P238......but it has stiff competition!