Ive decided to send it to CZ.
Theres no reason I should get the groups I get with 115s while 147s and 124s group the way they do. 25ft is pretty close.
Im no todd jarrett, but I shoot 8" plates all day long with my SP01 with this ammo at 40 yards.
The groups you are seeing with the 115s are how I usually shoot at that distance. The HST (defensive) ammo is extremely accurate stuff, yet it shoots like trash from this gun. Thats a problem to me. Its a threaded gun. What use is it as a host if it only shoots 115s accurately?
147s should NOT be a problem from this gun, and if it were a common problem with the P07, we surely would have heard about it by now. That, coupled with how far the sight is drifted right makes me an unhappy camper and CZ needs to deal with it. This is a super nice gun. I love the thing, but something isnt right here.