I am waiting on my last tool to arrive before I start the actual building -- a Midwest Industries stock wrench -- so I decided to try some color fill on my lower using nail polish. I should have picked a "brighter" red, but it's fine for now. Looks like fresh blood. As for the Anderson roll mark...the horse isn't awful by itself, but IMO there's too much going on there to color fill all of it (and it's an improvement over the original roll mark). There are no markings at all on the right side of the receiver, which is probably a way to cut costs (just $50 for the lower). The result I guess is a really wordy mag-well.
FWIW, the fit and finish are good. The surface of my Aero upper is a little nicer, but the slight contrast when putting the two together isn't a deal breaker (not for my first build or the savings).
Speaking of tools, I ended up buying a Magpul BEV Block. I also borrowed a set of SK punches and roll-pin punches from a friend (much nicer quality than I would have paid for). I was worried he'd need them before I was done, but he said he hasn't used them in 6 years. It's good to know a tool collector!
I still haven't ordered sights yet. An optic is way down the road. I am debating between the Magpul MBUS Gen 2 ($65), Daniel Defense Rock & Lock fixed sights ($125), and the Magpul MBUS Pros ($155). Since they will be my only sights for a while, I'm leaning toward the DDs.