Parallax is not as big an issue if you always have your eye in the same spot behind the sight? Isn't that the way it goes? Consistent cheek weld is a big part of that.
I've never shot that AR15, or any true "red dot" type optic farther than 25 yds., but parallax will show up even at that range (has with a scope on my M1A before I got that nice big pad to attach to the stock).
I know I've read parallax isn't an issue with many red dot type sights but then again, maybe they aren't shooting the rifle at a groundhog's head out past 200 yds. or at a squirrel's head at 25 or 30 yds. Smaller targets show up problems much faster than big targets.
Don't know if I've mentioned it here, but I wouldn't recommend the Lucid red dot sights. They look good, the work well enough. And the big draw for me was the use of the AA battery vs. the harder to find tiny batteries many red dot sights use. The issue is you can put a brand new battery in one, turn it off, put it in the corner and 3 or 4 months from now when you need that rifle, the battery will be dead. All three (4 if I count that smaller model) are transitioning back to their boxes for sights that don't die when they are waiting to be used.
I have one of the small Primary Arms red dots to put on my wife's AR15 but we just haven't gotten her to the range to take the Lucid off and sight in the PA Microdot.