I'm not a big fan of going too light on a striker in search of a better trigger. What good is a trigger pull if it won't reliably set off a primer? A couple of years ago, I was shooting in a pistol bay at a local range when a 20's something kid and his girlfriend asked if they could share the bay since the range was on the crowded side that day. After I said 'sure', he started to set up a camera so he could do a video for YouTube on how great he had made his Glock 19. While he was shooting, he was talking into the camera going over all of the mods he had done and how he had turned a mediocre gun into something fantastic. The problem was, he was getting failures to fire on about 3 rounds per mag and kept complaining into the camera how crappy his ammo was. I packed up and went home and when I got there, I discovered one of his rounds had been ejected into my range bag. He must have dropped way under 4lbs for the striker spring because the round was barely dimpled. His mods must have felt good in his hand, but his reliability went through the floor. The ammo he was shooting looked to be either Blazer or WWB IIRC.
I've run into similar issues on my P07. If I run a 13.5# spring, I'll get a rare light strike that will not set the primer off. All it takes is one on a carry gun for me to jump up a level to the next spring.