Is the striker not releasing even after you've pulled the trigger fully to the rear? Almost like the trigger needs to move back a hair further but can't?
I finally got my HBI trigger and just installed it (a very easy process). I left the factory Striker Spring, since I prefer to not lighten up the trigger pull weight for a potential CCW pistol.
Anyways, the main reason for this post is that I too am having the issue of the the striker not releasing the vast majority of the time. As you suggested earlier, when I push up on the Slide/Cover-Plate the striker releases as it should. So I think you're definitely correct about the "striker-hook" being too tall (or the trigger bar not lowering enough). My question is, which of the two contact points would be better/easier/safer to take off a minuscule amount of material? And do you have any suggestions as to what would be the ideal tool to perform that grinding/filing? I don't have access to a dedicated Grinder or any gunsmith stones; the tools I have available are an assortment of files (mostly course wood files that belong to my father), the "fine" diamond-coated file on my Leatherman Wave, and a standard electric Dremel (with the standard attachments included with the tool, and the additional "Polishing Accessory Kit" that Dremel sells). Any advice you (or any other Member) could provide would be much appreciated.
Thanks Earlan357.
Edited to Add: Just wanted to update my post. I was too impatient to wait for any advice, and decided just to go ahead and remove some material from the Striker. I ended up using my Dremel with the grinding-stone attachment set at its slowest speed. I took my time, using very little pressure, repeatedly removing minuscule amounts of material at a time, and reassembling the pistol to test it out. Eventually I had ground it down far enough to reliably release the Striker properly. Having accomplished that, I finished up by using some of the Dremel's polishing attachments to smooth-out the surface I had ground, then re-lubed and assembled the pistol.
So far it feels pretty good. I definitely like the feel of the HBI trigger (while dry-firing at least) and I think it will solve the pinching/blister problem I was getting with the factory trigger. I'll find out for sure whenever I get a chance to actually fire it at the range (hopefully soon).
Thanks again earlan357, for diagnosing the problem and suggesting a solution.