How is your finger on the trigger. I use to shoot rifles with my trigger finger up to the first joint. Since shooting semi-auto pistol pistols I have moved my finger closer to the tip of the pad. Like the red line in the CWP101 photo. I tried shooting up to the first joint with the HBI trigger. The bottom of the trigger was poking the bottom of my finger under recoil. With the tip of the pad on the flat face of the the HBI trigger I don't have any issues.
With the factory trigger I was having to put the raised safety in the crease of the first joint on my trigger finger to not get it to sting. That much finger on the trigger caused me to push my shots to the left. David

Unfortunately, everything I tried was unsuccessful. I must of attempted about a dozen combinations of finger placement, from the tip of my finger-pad to beyond the first knuckle (and everything in between), and from low on the trigger face to as high on it as I could manage. And to make sure it wasn't just the initial "fang bite" pain carrying over to the rest of my shots, I ran through 4 magazines with my Glock 19, but didn't experience any discomfort.
It's looking like it may be one of those rare "incompatibility" issues between my hand shape (and my long, bony fingers) and the pistol's combination of high-grip, trigger location, and length of pull.
Thanks for the advice and illustrations though. I'll save a copy of both pics for future use, as I'm sure they'll be helpful for not only me, but also several of my family members that have recently got into shooting.