Harder to find than I thought. Well worth it. Accurate as the 75b, which is saying something. The trigger heavy on double action, but breaks clean. The single action is a joy. I had a tough time ejecting a full 10 round magazine, the magazine release button would NOT be depressed. I loaded a round in the chamber and it worked but it was still two stiff. I fired two magazines and the problem went away. Anyone else have this trouble? The night sights are really good. I didn't know the 97 came with them. I'm leaving them alone. AT 25 yards from a rest, three shot's in the center of a three inch bull's eye, two touching the line. First time I fired it! I'm very pleased. CZ P-01, PCR, P-09. CZ 82, (a few), 75b, Kadet Kit, and now the 97. I'm done. Well, maybe. No way to post photo's?