I have one exactly like it. Very nice gun. I bought Copper Gun Grips (https://coppergungrips.com/Witness_Grips.php) because I didn't like the plastic that came with it. I did buy rubber grips from EAA but the grips from Copper are really nice. I shoot Federal HST2 230gr .45 ammo as my defensive round. Have never had an issue with it or target/ball ammo. I did have new springs from Hennings Shop which greatly improved the trigger. The rear sight that comes with the Hennings kit also fixed the issue with the gun shooting low. Conceals very well.
Thanks for this! I just brought mine home tonight and the DA trigger is very heavy, glad there are lighter springs available. The rubber grips on CZs appeal to me so I'll see what EAA offers but the hard plastic ones might do just fine in conceal, less shirt grabby. The rear sight isn't ideal either so I hope the Hennings one is adjustable. You hit on 3 of my issues I have, and I haven't shot it yet (tomorrow seems so far away). My only other beef is the sharp corner of the mag base plate. That's getting filed/sanded down before it punctures my palm!
Oh, mine says EAA-COCOA-FLA. They must have moved. Stamped FT-IT 2017, and the serial number has my birth year in it so I know it's mine!