I've never been a great shot with my Glocks but I just pressed on for years,I picked up and HK Vp9 and year ago and shoot very well with it ,just bought a Gen5 G19 and it's the same old story ,inconsistent shots ,good days and bad days with the Glocks,Dreaded Glock knuckle etc.
I work for a local Gun shop with a range so I've been putting a box or so through our rental P10c for a few weeks now always with excellent results,fast consistent shots all in or near the center ring at distances from 7-20 yards ,figured it must just be a fluke but i kept taking the little P10c out with same results every time,so I bought one today .Slapped my Gen5 and Gen3 Glock 19's up on the counter next to my new P10c and put about 250 rounds total through all the guns with the P10c outshining my old Glocks .Im sold and will be dedicating my next few months to just shooting the P10c and see how it goes,so far I am more than pleased with my shooting with the CZ and can't wait for the next two gun match at the end of the month to try it under time and on steel