Headed to the range today with my new CZ 75 compact, and wondering if I could pick up a tip or two from those who could help shorten my learning curve?
I THINK I might be flinching a little bit when I pull the trigger. I'm hoping some practice will help eliminate that.
But any other tips that would make a difference for me in handling this gun?
Also, back in the day, it seems like my dad taught me something about taking a breath, exhaling halfway and shooting in that pause in the exhale. (Was that for shotguns?) Surely we don't do that when shooting a semi-automatic, right?
Trying to do shortcuts may not be the best. observe and Learn. Everyone wants a quick fix. Maybe you can go to the doctor and ask for a pill to cure this? DOnt fall into that trap of where we are now. Patience.
Be an observer of yourself. or have a friend. If you need to take some professional lessons. You are spending some $$$ on a hobby, spend some $$$ on some professional help. Don't cheap out. You dont have to spend the rest of your $$ on taking lessons, but having an outside observer may help you prevent any bad habits. Also, you can always to a "tune up" session later on.
Be honest with your abilities and if you screwed the shot. If you know what you did, be honest and work on fixing the problem. No one is perfect and everyone starts at 0.
If you compare yourself to the top shooters, then you may try to find that quick fix. There is nothing wrong with striving to be the best, but work on the basics for now.
Also, what it comes down to is breaking bad habits is hard to do. Once you learn one, try to stop. Its easy to pickup bad habits too.
good luck.