Thought about you yesterday. We went up to my oldest son's townhouse/condo (I don't know the difference) for supper yesterday. In the 45 to 50 yds. between the parking lot and his front door we saw 12 to 15 squirrels, some as close as 10 ft. (clinging to the side of a tree, 2ft. off the ground and looking at us as we walked by on the sidewalk). I've hunted all day at home and never seen more than 3 or 4 squirrels in 8 to 10 hrs. I must have been hunting in the wrong place....
I did tell my mother-in-law (she was with us) that we could have a good breakfast Sunday morning if she'd make the biscuits and gravy because I could supply the squirrels. She just laughed and said she could make the gravy and biscuits if I wanted to get the squirrels. My wife said, "No way, I don't want any." Raised in the mountains, brought up eating squirrels, rabbits, turkey, grouse and deer and won't touch any of it today. I think she's had it too easy, being married to me for 40 years.