In short, I'm seeing a lot of folks not knowing how to post pictures on this site.....this is how I do it, it's pretty simple.....hope this helps

1. create an account on , its free and easy to use:
www.imgur.com2. upload photos (called "Add Images" on imgur)
3. click (or Tap depending on device) once on the image you want to link to the forum
4. click (or Tap depending on device) the "Copy" button next to the "BBCode (message board and forums)"
5. copy the link (right click with a mouse....or Tap/Hold depending on device and choose "select all") in the box to the left of the "Copy" button and then paste (again, right click or Tap/Hold depending on device) it into the forum post box
I tried to be detailed in the steps......its really pretty simple after doing a couple to "feel" your way through the process, hope this helps someone.......