Author Topic: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?  (Read 2297 times)

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Offline Flibuoy1

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Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« on: November 04, 2017, 11:31:45 AM »
I just saw a ?stock? factory photo on of the T100 thy have on auction. The photo is excellent in profile only and shows a Novak type rear sight. Auction may vary caveat

 The brochure picture still shows the standard blade. ( no surprise in any of this). I am about to buy a nearly new one locally and it has the expected blade that we all know and love(?). With a Novak rear sight I might go new. I have a message out to Gunbroker and expect an answer someday. I have a thoughly modified T100 now and would build this one to gift. The local is as new with less than 100 fired for $300 and the no tax/no shipping savings are substantial. Sort of coin flip but local will not last until Monday. So, anyone know if the rear sight changed?
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Offline Flibuoy1

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2017, 01:10:22 PM »
A robot at GunBroker already responded to my question on photo in auction!!!

Their answer: the item may be viewed at
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Offline jwc007

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2017, 01:58:18 PM »
That so called "Stock Photo" is that of a T-120, not a T-100.  If they can't get a photo right in the ad, I'm not sure I would buy from them.
Price is a bit high for an auction pistol.  I would get one from Buds where I can get free shipping.

This is a T-100 stock photo

Below is a photo of my T-120

Tristar/Canik T-120. 9mm Alloy Frame Cz Clone. Shown here with Hogue Cz75 wrap around finger groove grips
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 02:09:07 PM by jwc007 »
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Offline darink300zx

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2017, 07:23:25 AM »
JWC nailed it.  That was a pic of a T120 not a t100 on that auction.

Offline Flibuoy1

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2017, 09:44:09 AM »
The second email I got from vender referred me to TriStar?s description of the T100 on TriStar?s  website! They took the time to quote the sight description on the T100.....whoosh

Very helpful...very.
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Offline Flibuoy1

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2017, 07:41:01 PM »
Somewhat related:

I own one of the first Academy T100s. A couple days ago I did a FTF for another with 50 rounds fired. It recently came from Academy. As new. The guy was huge and needed more grip size. The front and rear sights are both significantly different between the two. I never heard the older style described a wonderful and do not think we will hear that about the newer ones either. The front sight arced all the way to front of slide. The rear in profile looks unchanged but clearly it is different viewed from aft. The newer did not shoot way way low in this particular pistol, in fact, based on the 75 or so mixed ammo I put through it, it does not shoot low using a combat hold beyond 7 meters.  They are perhaps better for the range, but that is when you have time to look around for the front sight.

I was on phone awhile with David at CGW a couple days ago and he said to wait on sights as Dawson, in consult with him, is making up some specific that fit and shoot POA. David said he hopes to have them in a couple weeks. Mine will see very little carry because it competes with a Sig P938 and LW 1911 in .45,so I might just adjust to what I just bought for a bit or years.

It was flawless in this mini trial before I take it down for fluff and buff plus springs. I did not measure either SA or DA, but from memory both were noticeably superior what my first was out of box. I do not plan for SA only on this one since SA can only get very good but not great without sear-hammer replacement. The T100 I massaged is SAO, has 3.7# with  pretravel taken as far as possible without losing a reliable reset. I think I can live with a bit more and keep the DA to justify spring costs.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 07:45:41 PM by Flibuoy1 »
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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2017, 11:23:56 AM »

Apologize but Imjur is not cooperating with the forum. Each link will take you directly to 3 different views. I am wondering now if the rear dovetail is the same? From picture it may not be?

Yes I know the new on on right in each photo is missing stuff like firing pin, barrel, and roll pin.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 11:32:37 AM by Flibuoy1 »
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Offline jwc007

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2017, 02:41:23 PM »
The newer T100 Rear Sight dovetail does look to be a lot shallower, hence the Rear Sight is different, but not like the Novack Style Rear Sight on my T120, as has been earlier discussed.
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Offline Flibuoy1

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2017, 05:36:30 PM »
It appears that the T-120 rear sight is only the Novak style on the black...whereas the tungsten and tan models both show the typical dovetail. Go figure that out. I still plan to call CGW and check progress of the Dawson sights he says are coming. Just before I make that call I will email the closeup of the newer and older rear sights in profile and get his take on the slide cutouts. It will stink if that further complicates sight selection on both the T100 and T-120. I noticed the lone no dash T100 has at some point joined the clan and is now a T-100. My decision on which T-100 to keep will be simple...if the sight cutout is different....whichever the new Dawson sight fits. If it is my newer it will be converted to SA only. Yesterday I put 100 rounds through each and rapid fire is way better on the SAO due to takeup. My opinion only. I also stand on my opinion that the newer sights small dots, smaller everything, are much harder to use even in controlled, no stress, environment like an indoor range. Decisions decisions. Hopefully David at CGW will already have the answers and I can move towards only owning only one and that one will wear the Dawson sights.
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Offline Flibuoy1

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Re: Has factory rear sight on T100 changed?
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2017, 09:38:24 PM »
I emailed CGW last night and sent the photos that, although no definitive, show possible slide machining differences. This morning right after opening David at CGW sent this reply. (I hope he does not mind if we share his frustration):
The changes you noted are exactly why we have had such a difficult time trying to offer Canik upgrades.  We make parts, then there is a change on the next run of pistols.  I only reluctantly re-listed our hammer kits because of this.

We hope to hear from Dawson in December.



I plan to pony up for the hammer kit soon before he runs out again and decides not to restock.
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