If you want to make a case, take a Glock and an XD and drop them on hot brass. Even then, you only prove the material is more heat resistant. That proves that ONE case, that they are more temperature resistant. Overall it does not prove that they are "stronger", or that the SAR is any less serviceable under normal circumstances. Since heat resistance is not a problem under normal shooting conditions, this is a real non-issue, and MrGunsnGear treated it as such. Rather than making assumptions based on one incident, properly reported as an error on the reviewers part, find substantive comparisons before stating your assumption as fact. This is what you BELIEVE and that gives you a basis for making YOUR decision. It's now out there for consideration by others. SAR pistols are one of the most reviewed guns on YouTube, and while I haven't seen them all, in the many I have seen, frame integrity has never been an issue. In fact, I have never seen it mentioned in ANY review of any SAR poly frame pistol.