Ahhh yeah, that's a party! First off I'm thrilled to death for you that the firing pin block lifter arm spring is in the pic and you were able to keep it from flicking away! Congratulations good sir!
I agree with MadDunner, if you are brave enough to open it up I would do some polishing first. You can't mix those parts up any more than you already have. Since it's a decocker there's one little part you'll want. A slave pin for the parts in the sear cage. CGW has them or you can create one if you're in the mood.
I don't have a decocker, so my videos were only covering the safety models. I could get you 90% of the way there on a video call. 100% once I watch some on the decockers. I can definitely jump on a video call and tell what all the parts are and help you get them sorted out, labeled, and ready for assembly.
1--it did in fact flick away!! I searched for 10 minutes and found it!
2--guy at range today also said same thing about slave pin, another education for me.
3--your offer of help is incredibly generous and i may hit you up, thank you very much.
Since my plan was to have this cerakoted as it had some cosmetic issues, my re assembly will happen after i get it back.
Will from Vulture got a good laugh when i explained what i did and even offered to put Humpty together again for me.
It will be a good education to re assemble as it was to dis assemble.
Thank GOD FOR YOU TUBE!!!!!!!
And thanks everyone for chiming in. Still laughing about it!!