Thanks folks.
Do you carry your RMR P07? What holster do you use? What is available?
I can see an RMR for my home defense weapon - not in daily carry. But again, for SHTF, may be good also for various reasons. I have old eyes and it ain't getting better.
I had the first one milled to try... I wasn't sure if it would make a big difference or what role the RMR'd gun would fill for me.
One week after getting it back I sent off my carry gun. I saved for a while and had a third one done. Now I have my carry gun, practice gun and spare all equipped with RMRs. It made that big of a difference for me. My eyes were old when I was young so as a bona fide old guy now... well you can imagine...
I first carried in a T. Rex Arms Raptor AIWB holster. I would not, however, recommend that. It was serviceable but really lacked the attention to detail I have come to expect from all of the holsters I've used from JM Custom Kydex. From my experience, JCMK IWB and OWB holsters are as good as their AIWBs.
This post shows my carry holster... and I just ordered an OWB holster on Black Friday for occasional range use. Tony @ JMCK is customizing it to use the Safariland QLS mounting system so I can easily interchange holsters without having to monkey with my belt on days I take other pistols to the range.