« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2017, 02:45:15 AM »
I just bought a CZ 2075 RAMI BD a few weeks ago to add to the collection.
I didn't do my usual field-strip, clean, CLP and slide greasing before I took it to the range.
I too had similar issues...the second round in both the 14 round and 10 round magazines failed to fully go into battery on the first two mag loads. I was using cheap range ammunition.
On the third mag, it was only the first round in the 14 round mag that had the same problem.
Subsequent mags didn't experience any problems.
I expect it to go away after I do my usual cleaning--including taking the mags apart and CLP-ing the insides and mag spring.
Something I did notice is that there is quite a bit of trigger bite which surprised me since none of my other CZs, SIGs, FNs, Rugers or Kel-Tecs have that problem. Searching the forum I see that it is noticeable on many RAMIs after firing a 100 rounds or more.
Does anyone have any suggestions for reducing this behavior.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 06:00:44 PM by rdcinhou »
CZ24/27/38/40P/45/52, Vzor 50/70,75BΩ,75D Compact,P01/07/09,P10M/S/C/F(9mm,.45), Phantom,SP01 Tactical,Shadow 2 (Blue,Urban Gray), 82/83/85 PreB, 97BE,97BD,97BDE,100,1911A1, 2075D RAMI,452 American,550 Urban Counter Sniper,805 Bren S1,Drake G2,Duo,Z,vz24 8mm Mauser,FK 7.5 BRNO Field Pistol, PSD