Author Topic: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm  (Read 3468 times)

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Offline jwc007

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EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« on: November 24, 2017, 03:15:21 PM »
Found this over on Buds.  Apparently, with the loss of Sarsilmaz as a supplier and with the sales success that the SAR K2P enjoyed, Tanfoglio has come out with their own version, using their Compact Slide and Fill Size Frame.  Armscore/RIA has had their version too, for quite some time now.  I think it's a nice alternative to the new SAR CM9 that some have expressed concern over the flex of the frame of, now that the SAR K2P is no longer in production.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 03:17:50 PM by jwc007 »
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Offline DanPop985

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2017, 05:08:07 PM »
First, Sarsilmaz is/was not the supplier, EAA was. Second that model Witness is not new. 2 years ago when I bought my K2P it was a toss up between this exact gun and the K2P, they are identical except for the grip pattern. I decided I hated the word Tanfoglio so I went with the K2P. Best gun I own.
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Offline jwc007

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2017, 07:12:35 PM »
First, Sarsilmaz is/was not the supplier, EAA was.

To be more specific, Sarsilmaz IS the Manufacturer, and EAA, the former Importer.

Second that model Witness is not new. 2 years ago when I bought my K2P it was a toss up between this exact gun and the K2P, they are identical except for the grip pattern.

Nice to know.  The Buds posting is the first I've seen of it and no one has posted here owning one as yet.  Actually, the Sarsilmaz K2P Slide Assembly differs from the Tanfoglio Slide Assembly, in that the Sarsilmaz K2P uses a Chamber/Locking Block into the Ejection Port as Sig and Glock Pistols do and the Tanfoglio Pistol uses the typical Cz75 style Barrel/Slide Locking Lugs, like the SAR B6P Barrel/Slide comparison below.

SAR B6P & K2P Slide/Barrel Lock up Comparison
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 07:14:19 PM by jwc007 »
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Offline win308

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2017, 08:21:12 PM »
JWC.... the gun you illustrated is basically designed to appeal to the consumer who might be interested in buying a Glock 19... or a host of other guns in that size. Your mid sized Tanfoglio has a lot going for it... better trigger than a Glock, cheaper than a Glock and, maybe, slightly more accurate than a Glock.  Those 3 factors alone should guarantee a lot of sales for this model. 

However, the real negative for this and many of the budget priced Tanfoglios, is, if it doesn't hit to point of aim, especially elevation, you're somewhat screwed.  I've owned a number of Tanfoglios that just shoot low.  With the fixed front sight you're really stuck.  I sure wish Tanfoglio would mill a slot in the slide for the front sight and sell interchangeable height front sight blades  that could be easily swapped out.

The more expensive models do have the easily interchangeable front sights, and Dawson Precision makes good money selling different height front sights for those models (and many are fiber optic).  How do we convince Massimo to make this feature available even on his small frame budget guns? (Then I could sell my Glock

Bottom line, I would buy one...... except for lack of that feature.  End of rant, thanks for listening.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 08:05:40 AM by win308 »

Offline Bret

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2017, 11:30:16 PM »
This model has been available on and off for some time now.  The reviews on Bud's go back to early 2014.  I have one in 10mm and love it.  It's very easy to confuse this one with the P-Carry, so be careful if you're in the market for a P-Carry. 

Offline seaswol

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2017, 12:05:52 PM »
Jwc007, what is the Tanfos model number in your post?

Offline jwc007

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2017, 01:25:56 PM »
Jwc007, what is the Tanfos model number in your post?

EAA #999044 is all I got from the Buds Ad.

From the very slow Tanfoglio website, the F version of the Police model is the most similar.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 01:48:04 PM by jwc007 »
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2017, 02:10:24 PM »
JWC.... the gun you illustrated is basically designed to appeal to the consumer who might be interested in buying a Glock 19... or a host of other guns in that size. Your mid sized Tanfoglio has a lot going for it... better trigger than a Glock, cheaper than a Glock and, maybe, slightly more accurate than a Glock.  Those 3 factors alone should guarantee a lot of sales for this model. 

The Glock 19 and it's size, has proven to be quite handy, and a lot of newer handguns have been designed with that in mind.
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

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Offline darink300zx

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Re: EAA Witness Polymer Framed Mid-Size 9mm
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2017, 07:19:06 AM »
Yeah, that model has been available for several years.  It is a PS model with a shorter slide/barrel.  There was a time around 2013 I believe where if you ordered one of these you could get the 3.6 inch barrel or the 4.5 inch barrel.  Actually I was just looking at the reviews on this one at Buds and the PS I have (that is a 4.5 inch barrel) is this very model ordered from buds, my review is in March of 2013. 

I've seen a lot of vendors on GunJoker try to sell this model as the P-Carry model witness as well, which of course it is not.