The thread I started to ask about other pistol manufacturers outside of CZ has been really interesting and is still alive. I was thinking about that and how the majority of CZ pistols are in 9mm. Furthermore, when I started shooting pistols I started reloading quickly to afford the hobby and I stuck exclusively with 9mm for a long time!
SO, if not 9mm, what other pistol cartridges do you love, why, and what do you use them for? What cartridges do you really want to try?Me?
Not long after posting that other thread I brought in a NON CZ pistol into my family. A Tanfoglio Witness Hunter in 10mm!!!! Yeah, yeah, ya'll can make a good argument that this pistol barely counts as NOT being a CZ, BUT 10mm is entirely different than 9mm! To be clear, just 2 years ago I hated shooting 45 ACP, but since putting in some purposeful practice in the last year and a half-ish my focus has broken away from recoil and I can enjoy these larger cartridges.
That being said I LOVE 10mm! Powerful, accurate, plenty of velocity, tons of bullet weights and designs available, and just a fun time! Furthermore, 10mm seems to have a cult following, much like CZ is known for (people seem to be referencing us when they say such things). Good group of guys on the 10mm forum with lots of helpful information!
I got the pistol chambered in this cartridge for bear protection during a family trip where I couldn't open carry something like a 45-70 rifle. Now, I use it for a woods gun where I live and I have been practicing to use it for pistol hunting. Maybe I'll save up some brass and use it for a USPSA match just because (I just need to find someone who makes a freaking holster for this thing!).
I am getting worried though... With my 10mm and 9mm cartridges and pistols spending so much along time together a barrel chambered in 9x25 Dillon and the reloading equipment may just appear one day!!!

Can't wait for that to happen!