Back to the O.P...
I've now owned a RAMI for almost 7 months and have put around 3000 rounds through it. While I really like it and would probably buy it again, there ARE a few things I've learned:
1) Do NOT dry-fire w/o an O-ring in the firing-pin recess. Not doing that will cause the firing pin to chew through the firing pin retaining pin. While I can't speak to using snap-caps addressing the issue, yet, I DO know that laser trainers don't help.
2) As an extension of #1, have replacement firing-pin retaining pins on-hand. Not expensive and not difficult to replace.
3) Have recoil spring assemblies on-hand - especially, if you shoot w. any regularity. Not at all expensive.
4) Be prepared for the possibility of having to have someone do some feed-ramp polishing to cored feed issues. While not everyone has had problems along these lines, enough have that that should at least be on your radar.
5) While I can't report any problems w. 14-round magazines (I don't use mine, at-all), enough people have that I'd either not use them or would replace springs.
6) Replacing the front sight w. a Dawson fiber-optic sight has made a huge difference in the RAMI shooting experience (as compared to the stock white-dot).
7) Others' mileage may vary but I've had the best luck (accuracy and dependability) with Sellier&Bellot 124g FMJ (for target) and Federal HST 124g (for defense) ammo.

In addition to this forum, there are several Facebook groups dedicated to CZs and one to the RAMI. So...lots of "user" help available.
About it for now. I hope this helps...