Yegs, the biggest reason the CZ platform shoots so soft is the bore axis. I know, it depends on who you listen to about that, but it is true, The barrel sits significantly lower in the frame, so the recoil impulse is channeled more into your hand, which gives you meat and bone to absorb it. BUT, the higher the bore axis, the more the recoil impulse is distributed higher, which directs the recoil impulse OVER your hand.This twists the pistol upward more, causing muzzle to flip up against your locked wrist. The higher the barrel, the more it flips. What you are really feeling is NOT less recoil, but less upward TORQUE that you have to cancel. So really, recoil isn't the issue in the first place, TORQUE is. There is a new pistol out that is even better at this than the CZ, but I should live so long that the price comes down into my range. That is the new Hudson H9. It has a low bore axis too, BUT the recoil spring is about 1/2" lower, as well, distributing even more recoil impulse lower in the frame. It runs $1500 to $1900, IF you can find one.