I had reset issues after the HBi spring kit and a light polish job. After assuring the trigger roll pin was not rubbing in the lower, I found it to be a mix of poor relations between the sear to hammer and a bit under powered trigger reset spring. Gun would work fine until it got a bit dirty (I shoot mine primarily suppressed and noticed a fair amount of dirt in the trigger pack from doing so). When a bit dirty, the reset issue would occur with the HBi spring kit since it didn't have enough force to overcome the poor sear to hammer mating with the added dirt. Worked fine until dirty...this is with a polish job on all the trigger pack contact surfaces as well. If I'd reset the trigger slow enough after shots, it'd get stuck and I'd have to force it forward to reset it.
I ended up cutting a handful of coils off the oem trigger reset spring and stoning the disconnectors, hammer, and sear. MUCH smoother and no more issues since. I suggest looking at the relation between your sear and hammer while the trigger pack is dirty if you have reset issues. See if this is where your trigger is picking up the resistance during reset. Very easy to see if you work the trigger reset with the lower off. If you find that this is your hang up point, then you just need to take a bit off the back of the hammer and the underlip of the sear, polish, and perhaps mod the oem reset spring for slightly more forward oomph on the trigger shoe.
Basically, I had a little to much force being put on the sear from the hammer during trigger reset. I alleviated it by removing material and then polishing the mating surfaces so that the force was lessened allowing the trigger to reset easier. The cut down oem trigger reset spring was just for good measure. My trigger breaks at 4.2ish lbs with a tad bit of creep(like the Glock's gen 4 spongy creep that comes after pulling past the wall). Cleaning up the front of the hammer and disconnectors was just to smooth out the trigger pull, nothing to do with the reset issue.
It was a frustrating endeavor as I had to take a little off here and there at a time then test fit but the results are a gun that hasn't been cleaned in a few thousand rounds without trigger problems. I wish the trigger was crisper, but it ain't awful. It's just no Elftmann...