Close. I was picturing it as handled/used more like a small saw. With the frame perpendicular to the belt surface. And with more slack in the belt, so that it could conform to the shape of the metal/wood in a larger contact patch. That might not work. It's just how I pictured it in my mind.
As to removing part of the hammer spur, well, I didn't have to do that on my Compact (no pinch, no spur to beavertail contact) but I did slightly chop off the tip of the hammer on my last Colt Series 80. The hammer was contacting the beaver tail (one I added, not the factory piece) and making a nasty gouge in it, so I removed a very short piece of the spur. The way the top of the hammer was grooved it was pretty easy to just take off a "couple of grooves" and get the necessary space/room.
Not sure what the CZ spur hammer would look like with a 1/8" to 3/16" removed. Then again, if it was yours and you shot it all the time, pretty soon you'd get used to the way it looked and in youre eyes/mind it would be "normal."