Author Topic: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards  (Read 4133 times)

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Offline cclaxton

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My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« on: December 30, 2017, 10:15:09 AM »
I have been hoping to use the RAMI in BUG Division in IDPA, and while it shoots acceptable under 7 yards, it shoots about 6" high at 15 yards. It's an alloy version in 9mm with factory sights. Anyone else experience this?


Offline C. Andrew Dunning

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2017, 10:25:41 AM »
I have been hoping to use the RAMI in BUG Division in IDPA, and while it shoots acceptable under 7 yards, it shoots about 6" high at 15 yards. It's an alloy version in 9mm with factory sights. Anyone else experience this?

Same experience, here.  The best that I gathered, my aiming preference is #3 in the attached graphic but my RAMI's out-of-the box convention was #1.  I rectified that by replacing the front sight w. a Dawson of a slightly higher height than stock.  Now, shoots somewhat between #2 & #3.

BTW, I shoot IDPA w. mine every 3 or 4 matches.  Last time, 4th most-accurate...all divisions.  I'm not all that fast but I've only been shooting a year and I'll gladly take that...

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2017, 01:15:49 PM »
I shot my new Rami yesterday and it was about 8 inches high at 20 yards. A little lower with 147 gr. I shot at a indoor range that tends to produce high groups in many of the guns I have tried there, the light is not the best. I will try it again outdoors. I am getting tired of getting unregulated
sights from factory new guns.
The front dovetail is Novak as I understand it. Is the rear dovetail Novak also? I have no other gun with Novak dovetail to compare it to.


Offline MeatAxe

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2017, 07:16:57 PM »
I have been hoping to use the RAMI in BUG Division in IDPA, and while it shoots acceptable under 7 yards, it shoots about 6" high at 15 yards. It's an alloy version in 9mm with factory sights. Anyone else experience this?

Same experience, here.  The best that I gathered, my aiming preference is #3 in the attached graphic but my RAMI's out-of-the box convention was #1.  I rectified that by replacing the front sight w. a Dawson of a slightly higher height than stock.  Now, shoots somewhat between #2 & #3.

BTW, I shoot IDPA w. mine every 3 or 4 matches.  Last time, 4th most-accurate...all divisions.  I'm not all that fast but I've only been shooting a year and I'll gladly take that...

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I've found it easier and more accurate to sight in on Sight Image #1 ("6 o'clock lollipop"). It doesn't matter how big the target circle is or what your distance to it is, you're point of aim / impact is the 6 o'clock point on the circle, with the bottom of the target circle just touching the top of the front sight as you look at it. Lining up the sights on that 6 0'clock point is more easily seen and repeatable from shot to shot, no matter the size of the target or the distance. The other images are more difficult to line up on an exact point from shot to shot.

If your POI elevation is off after lining the sights up at 6 o'clock on Sight Image #1 with your chosen SD/target load, you need to replace or adjust your sights accordingly.

Of course, after getting sighted in on the 6 o'clock point, your competition shots are to the center of the bullseye (Sight Image #2).
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 07:45:25 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline cclaxton

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2017, 07:51:31 PM »
Thanks for all the great replies. Maybe I will look into the Dawson, as I prefer fiber optic sights anyway.

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2017, 08:13:09 PM »
I have been hoping to use the RAMI in BUG Division in IDPA, and while it shoots acceptable under 7 yards, it shoots about 6" high at 15 yards. It's an alloy version in 9mm with factory sights. Anyone else experience this?

I shot my new Rami yesterday and it was about 8 inches high at 20 yards. A little lower with 147 gr. I shot at a indoor range that tends to produce high groups in many of the guns I have tried there, the light is not the best. I will try it again outdoors. I am getting tired of getting unregulated
sights from factory new guns.
The front dovetail is Novak as I understand it. Is the rear dovetail Novak also? I have no other gun with Novak dovetail to compare it to.


The front sight dovetail is indeed a Novak cut, but the rear sight (unfortunately) is a dovetail proprietary to the Rami, and nothing else as far as I can see. The Rami will take a standard CZ75 rear sight (with a slight change in sight radius) and maybe some of the other CZ sights. If the rear was a Novak cut, it would certainly make life easier finding sights for the Rami.

There "shouldn't" be that much deviation in POI from 7 to 15 yards unless something else is wrong.

It may be ammunition choice, as different ammunition will have varying POIs from load to load. Generally, lighter, faster bullets hit lower in an auto pistol since they leave the barrel sooner during the cycle than heavier, slower bullets. Once you decide on a SD load, try to find a practice load with the same POI.

Here's a useful tool, sight correction calculator:

« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 08:24:36 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline frgood

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2017, 09:50:33 PM »
When determining sight picture please consider accurate information

"...The next common method is the ?6 o?clock hold? sometimes referred to as a ?lollipop?. This is when you place the top of the front sight post at the bottom of the target. This is most commonly used in competitive shooting on traditional NRA targets (black circles) in which case the very top of the front sight post is placed right at the bottom of the target black. Even though the front sight post is at the bottom of the black, the bullet will impact at the center of the black. This requires a known/standard target size at the known distance.
reference -"

I would recommend the center hold as it only requires a known distance. You can then adjust the POI as needed within the range of drop (using your example the number 2 sight image (center hold). This will maintain your accuracy throughout a most practical competitions and different gun usage.

It all sounded a lot funnier in my head.

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2017, 01:55:07 AM »
When determining sight picture please consider accurate information

"...The next common method is the ?6 o?clock hold? sometimes referred to as a ?lollipop?. This is when you place the top of the front sight post at the bottom of the target. This is most commonly used in competitive shooting on traditional NRA targets (black circles) in which case the very top of the front sight post is placed right at the bottom of the target black. Even though the front sight post is at the bottom of the black, the bullet will impact at the center of the black. This requires a known/standard target size at the known distance.
reference -"

I would recommend the center hold as it only requires a known distance. You can then adjust the POI as needed within the range of drop (using your example the number 2 sight image (center hold). This will maintain your accuracy throughout a most practical competitions and different gun usage.


Of course, without comprehension, reading or otherwise, even "accurate information" is useless.

Offline frgood

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2017, 02:12:19 PM »
When determining sight picture please consider accurate information

"...The next common method is the ?6 o?clock hold? sometimes referred to as a ?lollipop?. This is when you place the top of the front sight post at the bottom of the target. This is most commonly used in competitive shooting on traditional NRA targets (black circles) in which case the very top of the front sight post is placed right at the bottom of the target black. Even though the front sight post is at the bottom of the black, the bullet will impact at the center of the black. This requires a known/standard target size at the known distance.
reference -"

I would recommend the center hold as it only requires a known distance. You can then adjust the POI as needed within the range of drop (using your example the number 2 sight image (center hold). This will maintain your accuracy throughout a most practical competitions and different gun usage.


Of course, without comprehension, reading or otherwise, even "accurate information" is useless.

Agreed, particularly if a 6 o'clock hold description is a center hold.
It all sounded a lot funnier in my head.

Offline Vinny

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2017, 04:26:54 PM »
I have been hoping to use the RAMI in BUG Division in IDPA, and while it shoots acceptable under 7 yards, it shoots about 6" high at 15 yards. It's an alloy version in 9mm with factory sights. Anyone else experience this?

Same experience, here.  The best that I gathered, my aiming preference is #3 in the attached graphic but my RAMI's out-of-the box convention was #1.  I rectified that by replacing the front sight w. a Dawson of a slightly higher height than stock.  Now, shoots somewhat between #2 & #3.

BTW, I shoot IDPA w. mine every 3 or 4 matches.  Last time, 4th most-accurate...all divisions.  I'm not all that fast but I've only been shooting a year and I'll gladly take that...

That's really interesting. Just got my 2nd RAMI BD (mfg 2017) and it shoots #1 sight picture out of the box. Different than my 1st (mfg 2015). But, at 15 yards using that sight picture it repeats very accurately (for a 3" barrel) within a 3" circle. Very easy to remedy with a taller front sight. I will say my new RAMI came with a polished feed ramp, which I consider an upgrade.

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Offline cclaxton

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Re: My RAMI Shoots 6" High at 15 yards
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2018, 10:34:49 PM »
The Dawson online calculator worked perfectly. I measured the factory front sight at 0.10in. The Dawson calculator said it should be about .013-.014in. I opted for the .013in and it hits perfectly at 15 yards when I level the front and rear sight and put the top of the front sight where I want to hit, that's where it hits. And, now I have fiber optic in the front, for added bonus. It sticks out the front of the slide a tiny bit, but not further than the muzzle.

When removing the front sight I tried the aluminum Dawson tool...tore it up. I then used a brass luck. I had to use a steel punch from the right side to get out the sight. The original sight was held in with two small "punch points" at the front of the Dove base.

The Dawson went right in, and I didn't need to do any filing or anything like Dawson suggests. I wouldn't say it's loose, but it is not tight. I put blue loctite under and it seems to be staying in place. I think I will replace it with red loctite and it should stay.

Thought I would pass it along. Love the Dawson fiber optic sight.