I have one of the .40 Compacts and bought it off of this site last year to match my 99021. It's not CZs best work I'm afraid. They will run, but you'll never trust it with your life. The problem is that they used a standard 9mm slide to make the .40 out of and it's too light. To make it run, you need a heavy main spring to help tame the recoil. The recoil spring needs to be up to around 22# to keep the slide from striking the frame and causing the next round to jam nose down in the mag. The .40 Compact slide on mine comes in at about 289g where as the P06 slide is closer to 330g to 340g. The P07 slide is around 340g too.
The light slide causes too much slide velocity and the short recoil spring length gets spring bind when you go to heavier springs. A heavy mainspring helps and with the heavy main spring and fresh recoil spring, mine will run at about the 95% level. Lighter handloaded ammo helps too. I ordered a DPM Recoil System for a P06 thinking that might help but the slide spring house is cut shorter on the .40 Compact and it destroyed the DPM System in 10 rounds. DPM is a great company and not only did they replace the original system with a brand new one that I could use in my P01, but they built a custom one based on measurements of the .40 Compact slide. Unfortunately, even that one is starting to show a bit of deformation now too.
In my opinion, the .40 Compact was created using a stock 9mm slide with a cut down spring house to allow a bit more travel. It did not really work out. It's a shame too as when the gun runs, it runs beautifully. Especially with the DPM system in it. It shoots .40 like a 9mm pistol. I have a friend that does high end custom machine work to guns and is a custom 1911 builder. I've been thinking of asking him if he could weld the inside of the slide to add the needed weight to make it reliable. I'd also love to find a P06 slide or even a 40P slide to use on it.