Why the trade? Well here we go. My worthless opinions only here, yours may vary. The Scorpion was my first CZ. It was the first center fire rifle my honey ever shot (last February) and we have put about 4k in rounds through it. It was light, fun, functioned flawlessly and was not an AR. The Scorpion was the type of sub gun I had always wanted. I am of Eastern European descent and have a very strong background in history. Wow, to me this type of firearm tastes of a border checkpoint, police storming into an apartment complex or maybe as a tool to cow unarmed civilians into obedience. I know, I know, I'm getting carried away, but this imagery was strong for us. After her first fun range outing she called it nasty and effective. Many months pass and we now have two CMP USGI M1 Garands and a USGI M1 Carbine which we shoot very frequently. We have been changed by the Garands (perhaps only for awhile). Good guy weapons are the way for us to go.
In June of this year a CZ 75B came home with me one day. What a nice pistol! It belongs to her now, as it should. I have two 45 year old 1911's and a new manufacture .45acp was almost a necessity. The 2018 list of material purchases was written with the CZ 97B on it. It was the 5th and last of the firearms on the list. Low and behold the shop got one in and as you know if you even think you want any model of CZ and you have it in your hand you have to buy it. So the last shall become the first, eh?The trade was an almost even deal, the Scorpion had been perfect from start to finish if ultimately not to my/our taste.
I will also say that with only 150 rounds through the 97B I will be shooting many more! I find it to have a very clean taste, even if Darth Vader should be wearing one in his ankle holster