Author Topic: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment  (Read 9281 times)

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Offline jertex

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Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« on: February 07, 2018, 10:19:58 AM »
I decided to get the P10C as a candidate for my everyday carry simply because I like the size & wanted a striker fired polymer pistol with more capacity than my Shield for that purpose. I also just like CZ and the fact that they wanted to listen to customers and create a Glock alternative. I'm not a fan of Glocks.

After 150 rounds at the range, I'm not only unimpressed, I'm hugely disappointed in this gun. The biggest issue is the trigger pinch which I expected to encounter, I just didn't expect it to be as uncomfortable as it actually was and the trigger is just not as good as advertised in my opinion. I experienced finger discomfort with my Glock 23 (which I sold) but only after 4 or 5 magazines. The CZ was very uncomfortable to shoot at the first shot. I was all over the place with shot placement with this pistol. I found the trigger pull to be just marginally better than a Glock and not even in the same league as my Walther PPQ which I gave to my son (mistake). I also find it inferior to the cheap TP9 Caniks, all versions that I've fired. I own the TP9V2 and have fired the SA & SF & all three are significantly better shooters overall with better triggers. Combine this experience with the fact that to even want to shoot this gun at the range for a little practice I'll either have to significantly modify the trigger or replace it and I can't help but wonder if CZ QC people even fired the gun before releasing it to the public? I shouldn't have to alter the trigger to be able to stand shooting the gun. If Canik can get it right, then you would think that CZ could get it right, but evidently not.

I realize that my opinion is just that & I'm not trying to upset the folks that love this gun. I want to provide an honest opinion of my experience with the gun compared to other's in the same class. The good news for me is that I only paid $400 for it so I'm sure that I can get my money back when I sell it, which will hopefully happen quickly when I list it on TX Gun Trader this weekend.
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Offline wyoung

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 10:24:22 AM »
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 10:50:30 AM by wyoung »

Offline SP01bob

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 10:29:23 AM »
Wow, sure not my experience in any way or form. Mine just puts rounds thru previous round holes. I wonder if hand shape and size is a factor. I have relatively small / med sized hands, no real thickness at all. I've never been pinched once.

My dislikes are the slide release difficulty. Other than that, my Glocks don't even get close to how my P10c feels and shoots.

I do like the new Canik handguns. A friend has one, but I shot it and my P10c equally the same. I like the stock grips on his Canik better tho.

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Offline jertex

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2018, 10:59:55 AM »
If you're selling the gun then why post here? Get it out of your system? Lol

Just like every Glock, you can take a round dowel rod with some sandpaper wrapped around it and smooth it down slowly in about 2 minutes or less. Not a big deal. But since you're selling it...

I was under the strange impression that this is the purpose of a forum but maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's only for people who want to read the positive experiences with a product. I also think that manufacturers should be able to produce a product that doesn't require taking a dowel rod & sand paper to it as soon as it's out of the box in order to make it reasonably shootable. I love CZ's other products so I don't think it's the norm for them, which makes this even more surprising to me.

Wow, sure not my experience in any way or form. Mine just puts rounds thru previous round holes. I wonder if hand shape and size is a factor. I have relatively small / med sized hands, no real thickness at all. I've never been pinched once.

My dislikes are the slide release difficulty. Other than that, my Glocks don't even get close to how my P10c feels and shoots.

I do like the new Canik handguns. A friend has one, but I shot it and my P10c equally the same. I like the stock grips on his Canik better tho.

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I guess I have what you would call medium/large hands but nothing out of the ordinary. There could be something strange about the way I hold the gun but I've had plenty of training & always have received the thumbs up from instructors on my grip. Plus, many others are experiencing the the same problem so I don't know why some don't have the finger pinch issue.
CZCustom PCR Pro-Tek I, CZ SP01 Tactical, Dan Wesson Revolvers, other handguns & long guns

Offline SP01bob

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2018, 11:11:30 AM »

Wow, sure not my experience in any way or form. Mine just puts rounds thru previous round holes. I wonder if hand shape and size is a factor. I have relatively small / med sized hands, no real thickness at all. I've never been pinched once.

My dislikes are the slide release difficulty. Other than that, my Glocks don't even get close to how my P10c feels and shoots.

I do like the new Canik handguns. A friend has one, but I shot it and my P10c equally the same. I like the stock grips on his Canik better tho.

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I guess I have what you would call medium/large hands but nothing out of the ordinary. There could be something strange about the way I hold the gun but I've had plenty of training & always have received the thumbs up from instructors on my grip. Plus, many others are experiencing the the same problem so I don't know why some don't have the finger pinch issue.

Yeah, I too have seen people complain about it, but my finger doesn't drag or pinch or anything unusual. For a factory trigger, it's very good. I don't expect it to be of the quality cajun can do, but its very smooth for me, and my shot placement is perfect with it. I think you should try other ammo. CZ's are picky from what I've experienced. They'll eat anything, but prefer several over the others. That's been my experience with many firearms including Glocks, and they are all different from what I've read in other shooters experience on the ammo types. I'd definitely try different ammo, heavier is much better, 124g, 135g, or 147g. I have great experience with American Eagle 124g fmj, and Freedom 135g jhp. But my hst works well too, I just don't plink with expensive ammo. RM ammo never works well for me, but I think its possible for a reloader to work with ammo to perfect it specifically for his firearm.

Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.

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Offline jertex

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2018, 11:35:36 AM »

Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.

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When I was mentioning my experience above the quote of your post I was referring to a post made by wyoung which he has since deleted. It wasn't a response to you at all. Your responses are reasonable.

I shot 3 kinds of ammo: Federal AE 124gr, Federal HST 124gr & some cheap Monarch 115gr from Academy Sports. Whenever I buy a new gun that is intended for self defense, I always try multiple types of ammo & always shoot a couple of magazines of my preferred self defense ammo to make sure that it cycles it well.

 Like I said, it could very well be that some of us hold the gun in a way that exacerbates the finger pinch issue, but it's a well documented issue so I hope CZ finds a way to address it in a gen 2 release of the P10. I'm glad you've had a good experience with it & was hoping mine would be as positive.
CZCustom PCR Pro-Tek I, CZ SP01 Tactical, Dan Wesson Revolvers, other handguns & long guns

Offline SP01bob

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2018, 11:44:43 AM »

Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.

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When I was mentioning my experience above the quote of your post I was referring to a post made by wyoung which he has since deleted. It wasn't a response to you at all. Your responses are reasonable.

I shot 3 kinds of ammo: Federal AE 124gr, Federal HST 124gr & some cheap Monarch 115gr from Academy Sports. Whenever I buy a new gun that is intended for self defense, I always try multiple types of ammo & always shoot a couple of magazines of my preferred self defense ammo to make sure that it cycles it well.

 Like I said, it could very well be that some of us hold the gun in a way that exacerbates the finger pinch issue, but it's a well documented issue so I hope CZ finds a way to address it in a gen 2 release of the P10. I'm glad you've had a good experience with it & was hoping mine would be as positive.
I understand and appreciate the clarification.  I have heard others mention the trigger pinch, but not quality for the most part. I've also seen discussion about the mag release button, but again, mine hasn't been an issue. Then there's the firing pin movement that people are manipulating. There's a lot of things being discussed for sure, but by far more like and have had above average positive experiences. It's a shame you've had a negative experience. Have you tried the larger SP01 or a 75 P-01 / 75 D compact. I like the larger trigger area offered on those.

On triggers, I will have every CZ I own Cajunized. Its just worth the cost imho.

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Offline jertex

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2018, 11:53:41 AM »

Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

When I was mentioning my experience above the quote of your post I was referring to a post made by wyoung which he has since deleted. It wasn't a response to you at all. Your responses are reasonable.

I shot 3 kinds of ammo: Federal AE 124gr, Federal HST 124gr & some cheap Monarch 115gr from Academy Sports. Whenever I buy a new gun that is intended for self defense, I always try multiple types of ammo & always shoot a couple of magazines of my preferred self defense ammo to make sure that it cycles it well.

 Like I said, it could very well be that some of us hold the gun in a way that exacerbates the finger pinch issue, but it's a well documented issue so I hope CZ finds a way to address it in a gen 2 release of the P10. I'm glad you've had a good experience with it & was hoping mine would be as positive.
I understand and appreciate the clarification.  I have heard others mention the trigger pinch, but not quality for the most part. I've also seen discussion about the mag release button, but again, mine hasn't been an issue. Then there's the firing pin movement that people are manipulating. There's a lot of things being discussed for sure, but by far more like and have had above average positive experiences. It's a shame you've had a negative experience. Have you tried the larger SP01 or a 75 P-01 / 75 D compact. I like the larger trigger area offered on those.

On triggers, I will have every CZ I own Cajunized. Its just worth the cost imho.

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Yep, I'm really annoyed, I want to like this gun. I even bought a nice leather holster because I was so sure I would like it. I own an SP-01 Tactical, factory configuration, & a CZCustom Protek I. The SP-01 isn't a great trigger but it's acceptable as a factory trigger and it's my quick access home defense pistol, so I will leave that gun stock. The Protek I isn't a fair comparison to any factory gun so I'm not expecting a trigger that shoots like that masterpiece. I've also owned a CZ75BD Police and a CZCustom Canik that had an amazing trigger, but have since sold both of those guns. I really didn't want to sell either gun but it makes my wife happy if I occasionally sell some as I accumulate others.
CZCustom PCR Pro-Tek I, CZ SP01 Tactical, Dan Wesson Revolvers, other handguns & long guns

Offline HST

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2018, 12:07:35 PM »
I wouldn't give up on it yet . CGW is coming out with there new trigger soon and should be an improvement.
I have the HBI trigger and while better than the stock trigger it still pinches my finger . Other than that
it is without a doubt the most accurate pistol i own. As they said on another thread it's just stupid ;D
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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2018, 12:54:45 PM »
This is why there is such a diverse firearms market. I understand not liking the gun and while the gun is probably just fine it just doesn't work for the op. Not everybody likes everything.
I tried an XDS a couple years ago and while it seemed every one liked them I hated it from the first mag I shot with it. That was the shortest relationship I've ever had with a gun.

Offline wyoung

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2018, 12:58:06 PM »
If I came off snarky or something that wasn't my intention. I just found it curious that little part you stuck in there about listing your p10 and selling it quickly and cheaply.

At any rate, I don't "love" the gun nor only want to talk about positive experiences. I've had my share of questions and gripes about the gun. Mainly the mag release, slide cover plate dropping, and the striker tilting. I didn't really notice the trigger face on my first range trip. After I read about it, I thought it could stand a little nicer feel but by no means was the sanding a must have.

I will be sending mine back to CZ because I know firsthand newer serial numbers don't have the issues I've experienced. I handled an FDE C451xxxx serial number over the weekend. The mag release was smooth and the striker was firmly in place.

That shows how quickly CZ is responding to the issues. Unlike the FN 509 which has had known magazine release issues since it was released and I haven't found any info to suggest FN has a fix or are willing to fix the issue.

Apparently the CZ warranty department is excellent to deal with also. What they don't fix to users satisfaction, the aftermarket has stepped in faster than any other new pistol I've known.

You cannot even compare this trigger with a PPQ trigger. The PPQ trigger has a rolling wall and break and is one of the most unique I've felt. Some love it, some don't. I like a more crisp wall and break like the P10 and most other guns I've fired. The Caniks I've dry fired did have decent triggers but are almost too light for concealed carry *for me*.

The P10 trigger seems to smooth and lighten up the more wear they get. I'd be curious to know if the already great, out of the box trigger pulls of the PPQ and Caniks lighten up too much when they get some wear on them.

I've seen a lot of people complain about the P10 trigger shoe but never a complaint about the trigger pull itself. If you haven't, I'd recommend you take your P10 back to where you bought it (if new) to compare to other P10s if possible and let a gunsmith give you an opinion. Maybe there's something wrong with the gun that needs to be fixed. Not everything is perfect the first go around and there are teething issues with quite a few new guns, past or present.

I think CZ has more than made their P10 slogan "Improving on Perfection," referencing Glock. The P10 so far is way better than Glocks and for less money.

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2018, 01:12:43 PM »

Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.

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When I was mentioning my experience above the quote of your post I was referring to a post made by wyoung which he has since deleted. It wasn't a response to you at all. Your responses are reasonable.

I shot 3 kinds of ammo: Federal AE 124gr, Federal HST 124gr & some cheap Monarch 115gr from Academy Sports. Whenever I buy a new gun that is intended for self defense, I always try multiple types of ammo & always shoot a couple of magazines of my preferred self defense ammo to make sure that it cycles it well.

 Like I said, it could very well be that some of us hold the gun in a way that exacerbates the finger pinch issue, but it's a well documented issue so I hope CZ finds a way to address it in a gen 2 release of the P10. I'm glad you've had a good experience with it & was hoping mine would be as positive.
I understand and appreciate the clarification.  I have heard others mention the trigger pinch, but not quality for the most part. I've also seen discussion about the mag release button, but again, mine hasn't been an issue. Then there's the firing pin movement that people are manipulating. There's a lot of things being discussed for sure, but by far more like and have had above average positive experiences. It's a shame you've had a negative experience. Have you tried the larger SP01 or a 75 P-01 / 75 D compact. I like the larger trigger area offered on those.

On triggers, I will have every CZ I own Cajunized. Its just worth the cost imho.

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Yep, I'm really annoyed, I want to like this gun. I even bought a nice leather holster because I was so sure I would like it. I own an SP-01 Tactical, factory configuration, & a CZCustom Protek I. The SP-01 isn't a great trigger but it's acceptable as a factory trigger and it's my quick access home defense pistol, so I will leave that gun stock. The Protek I isn't a fair comparison to any factory gun so I'm not expecting a trigger that shoots like that masterpiece. I've also owned a CZ75BD Police and a CZCustom Canik that had an amazing trigger, but have since sold both of those guns. I really didn't want to sell either gun but it makes my wife happy if I occasionally sell some as I accumulate others.

Wow, you've tried some great guns there for sure. Maybe your grip habit and CZ's just don't work. As another said, everyone is different. That is all good and fine. I can't stand the grip of Glocks, but others don't mind that low hump.

One thing you said here that's interesting is that you don't think the SP01 Tact doesn't have a great trigger. That is the gun, and the trigger that brought me to fall in love with CZ's in general. I've had many friends of all different levels shoot mine and they loved that stock trigger as well. I still sent it off to Cajun, and now its even better.

It did take me a while to adjust my Likes to shooting a hammer fired Da/Sa gun, since I learned to shoot with striker fired handguns. I have spent the last 3+ years buying, selling, and trading almost every handgun available to learn what works for me. CZ has won in most categories for me, tho I still don't want to part with several great handguns I still have from my testing period.

Well, good luck with it OP.

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2018, 01:15:27 PM »
This is why there is such a diverse firearms market. I understand not liking the gun and while the gun is probably just fine it just doesn't work for the op. Not everybody likes everything.
I tried an XDS a couple years ago and while it seemed every one liked them I hated it from the first mag I shot with it. That was the shortest relationship I've ever had with a gun.

Me too. Had an XDS .45, and have shot a few friends 9mm models, and that thick grip is just a bit too much in my hand. It doesn't fit me well. Yet I have friends who love them.

We're all different. It doesn't mean a gun is great, the best, the worst, or dog squeeze, lol.

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2018, 01:20:11 PM »
The CZP-10C is the best shooting handgun I have even owned. Sorry you don't like it but then that's your problem not mine.
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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2018, 02:56:24 PM »
The CZP-10C is the best shooting handgun I have even owned. Sorry you don't like it but then that's your problem not mine.
What's the point of this post? Your entitled to your opinion but jeez man, why so personal?