Wow, sure not my experience in any way or form. Mine just puts rounds thru previous round holes. I wonder if hand shape and size is a factor. I have relatively small / med sized hands, no real thickness at all. I've never been pinched once.
My dislikes are the slide release difficulty. Other than that, my Glocks don't even get close to how my P10c feels and shoots.
I do like the new Canik handguns. A friend has one, but I shot it and my P10c equally the same. I like the stock grips on his Canik better tho.
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I guess I have what you would call medium/large hands but nothing out of the ordinary. There could be something strange about the way I hold the gun but I've had plenty of training & always have received the thumbs up from instructors on my grip. Plus, many others are experiencing the the same problem so I don't know why some don't have the finger pinch issue.
Yeah, I too have seen people complain about it, but my finger doesn't drag or pinch or anything unusual. For a factory trigger, it's very good. I don't expect it to be of the quality cajun can do, but its very smooth for me, and my shot placement is perfect with it. I think you should try other ammo. CZ's are picky from what I've experienced. They'll eat anything, but prefer several over the others. That's been my experience with many firearms including Glocks, and they are all different from what I've read in other shooters experience on the ammo types. I'd definitely try different ammo, heavier is much better, 124g, 135g, or 147g. I have great experience with American Eagle 124g fmj, and Freedom 135g jhp. But my hst works well too, I just don't plink with expensive ammo. RM ammo never works well for me, but I think its possible for a reloader to work with ammo to perfect it specifically for his firearm.
Of course your experience is acceptable, but just odd compared to my experience and so many others who are polar opposite of you.
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