Right off the bat... zero malfunctions of any kind, since the very first mag I put through it. The gun has been flawlessly reliable, and unbelievably accurate.
That main group is 75ish rounds, at 10 yards. It shoots right up there with the guns I typically shoot best (Beretta 92c, Beretta PX4c, Smith 6904). Love the way it handles, love the way it feels.
Here's a pic with the wood grips I've been using:
The checkering is fairly aggressive and gives you an excellent hold--better than the stock grips. I definitely recommend them.
And here's the ebay link, if you're interested:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/CZ-2075D-RAMI-CZ-2075D-PCR-French-Walnut-FULLY-Checkered-Pistol-Grips-w-Logo-NEW/262624764948?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649I also put the Pearce pinky extension on mine (not shown in the pic). Feels great. I think it helps improve control, ever so slightly.
Barrel Hood Peening?I don't think it is--or, at least to the point where it's a problem. But the recent post about this issue on a 2017 rami had me a little concerned. There's finish loss on that ledge, but I don't see that the metal is deformed:
However, this corner has taken more of a beating:
The metal is smoothed and rounded... but doesn't seem like it's anything to worry about. Thoughts?
Things I don't like? Only one thing: the grip screws. They come loose. And the bushings/sleeves are "free rotating." Nothing some loctite can't fix... but, I had to take a screwdriver to the range and keep tightening down the screws. And since the bushings are aren't locked in place, I'll have to loctite them first (already did one). Then loctite the screws into the bushings. Never had to deal with that on a gun.
UPDATE: I used a new image hosting site. Hopefully this works. Sorry for the broken pics.