one day after a few mikes on the follow up shots I filed down that top hump on the right panel of the palm swells .. seemed to help .. point is, the G10 material is adjustable.
I found this part to be the key. When I ordered a set from LOK grips, I asked them to sand that part down to begin with, as it definitely 'gets in the way' of the trigger finger, like on the stock rubber palm swells.
Also, different palm swells from different makers vary in their shape and size. I had a set of Cool Hand swells, and they were very large in the middle but then curved way in. Just too much contouring for me.
The LOK's are about the same as the stock rubber, with less peak/valley than the Cool Hand's. A nice full grip. but again has those peaks up at the top.
Next, the VZ Grips palm swell is pretty slim....basically like a set of their normal thin panel (but not as thin as aluminum), but with some slight swelling in the palm. The top part has no extra peak. Very nice if you like your grips slim.