Despite what I had read about issues with the P10c, especially reports of "trigger bite" I went ahead and got one. I got the black threaded barrel version, serial begins with C431XXX, and the test target is dated 11-30-2017. I was going to get the regular version, but I got is one for $520, and my other choice was a standard FDE for $505. Since I have an Omega 9K in jail, it seemed like a no-brainer to pay the extra $15 for a threaded barrel and suppressor height sights.
Fired it for the first time today, and it is quite accurate. After reading reports of the trigger, I was afraid that I would end up with a blister on my finger the way I did with a PCR stock trigger a couple years ago. That didn't happen this time, but I did only fire 3 mags, because it quickly became apparent that while the trigger didn't beat up my finger the way the PCR did, it did quickly become uncomfortable to shoot. All things considered, I think after I replace the trigger with an HB or Cajun, it will be a keeper.
Other little things I like: a bit of stippling on the frame that tells me where to put my thumb, and that mags from my P-07 seem to be identical and work just fine. Time to start looking for a suitable holster, and trying to find a good way to make sure the thread protector stays on while firing (just took it off at the range for now).