I live in Wichita and ordered a P10c online for msrp and had it transferred to an ffl (gun/pawn shop) for another 20. It was 15rd model. If you live near a place that will do transfers I?d suggest finding one online with full cap mags and doing a transfer. Mags are 35 plus tax/shipping so you might be saving money. On the other hand if you can get the gun locally and dry fire it and check it out to see which or any of the issues if has if may be worth picking up instead of taking your chances. Especially If it is at or under 499, (depending on how much less than msrp/499) go for it. Then buy 2 or more 15rd mags and you can use them for range drills. In the long run you?ll pay more but be happier. Either way it?s a good gun. All CZs are. My gun had a much better factory trigger sn 3xx.... than my shooting buddy?s model that has 1000+rds. Seems like a real crap shoot sometimes with these things. Good luck,