With the exception of sights, I run my EDC pistols stock, or very close to it..I'm not carrying a CZ at the moment, but rather a Beretta PX4CC. All I've done to it was change the mag release button to the "large" button, and swap out the hammer spring to a 12lb Wilson Combat hammer spring, this gives me about a 8lb DA trigger pull with about a 4lb SA trigger pull. On the G19 I carried before this, the only things that were changed were the sights, and I installed a Apex extractor, other than that, it was bone stock. All too often people will start making changes in a effort to buy skill, when really all that is needed is practice, practice, and more practice. Usually I don't make changes to pistols until I get at least 1000 rnds through it, by that time, you'll have a good idea of what you'd like to change, and why.