Congratulations! My ?04 RAMI was my first CZ pistol and still really has the best trigger out of my -b CZ?s.
You?ve replaced most of the issue springs, so you should have reduced potential ftf?s quite a bit.
Take a look at the two recoil spring sets. The original captive guide rod and washer on mine disassembled very easily, making it easy to change springs only. I have not handled the new ones, but from photos and descriptions, that seems more difficult to do. So hold onto your original setup.
Even after fresh springs, I was experiencing nose dives with heavy hunting ammo (mostly 180+ grain lead), but lighter SD ammo ran perfectly.
My 2004 gun certainly has better fit and finish than any of my more recent CZ?s. So once mags and springs were dealt with, I didn?t have any of the typical issues with ejector, breech face lead in, firing pin hole, etc.
Sooo.... after your cleaning and spring replacement, I?d go shoot it. Enjoy!